622 15 2

I started to feel pain on my back,at the beginning it was small then it was getting more painful then all of a sudden I here Remus voice but everything turns black then I pass out.
the next moning
"Hmm" I started to get up
I open my eyes and see Remus during in a chair beside the bed I was on
" cub what do you know about creacher inheritances? " Remus asked me.
"not much,why?"
"never mined but lets go to gingots"
I was confessed on why remus asked me that but i just said"ok"
"grab on to me and dont let go till i say so"
I grab on to remus then i feel like i din put throught a small pip"ok you can let go know harry"
I let go of remus and look around to see we are in the enterance hall of gringots.Remus starts to walt to one of the goblens and i follow behind him
"i would like to see the potter bank acount goblen"
"right this way"
the goblin got out off the chair and walk to a door on the left,Remus and I started to walk to the door and walk with the goblin to the account goblin

when we got to the office the goblin went to the chair and then toulk out some perchment and got out a dager."mr potter let 5 drops of you blood go on to the paper and wait a secound and when it is done forming words then you can read it"I gave a nod at the goblin and then take the dager and put it close to my finger and made a small cut and then let 5 drops of blood on the perchment and then i pulled my hand away and watched as words began to form on the perment.when i thought it was done i picked it up and started to read it 

Fake inheritance 

name- harry james potter

age-  17

parents- james potter (dead)       Lilly nee potter(dead)

godparent(s)- sirius black(dead)       remus jon lupen(alive)

sibling(s)- none

magic ability(s)- parseltoung (from T.M.R)

magic gardian- Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

title(s)- Hair potter         hair black

blocke(s)- none

potion(s)- none


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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