Part 1

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Before you start reading I'd just like to say if you have any suggestions or you find a mistake please let me know! 

Never in your life did you think you would be sneaking around an a grocery store stuffing your backpack with whatever you could find, in the middle of a apocalypse but here you were; being your clumsy self dropping and knocking things over attracting attention.  Knocking a can of soup off the shelf with a clunk "zombies" started wobbling their way over to you. Sighing you pick up your metal pipe and start bashing their heads in when you hear footsteps. 

Bashing the last "zombies" head in you quietly run behind a shelf. No matter how strong, clever or sneaky you thought you were you would always be scared. You never know what's waiting for you around the corner.  The footsteps draw closer when you hear hushed voices. "These are newly killed someone must have been here or is here right now." " You guys stay on your guard okay?" The males voice is barely audible, but with that information you start making your way toward the back of the store hoping there was an empty back room you could hide in till they left. 

As you make your way to the back of the store you find yourself at a dead end and the only way out is toward them. Sighing you decide to turn back but when you look there's a man standing there. He looks about 19. He's tall very tall which makes it so much more intimidating when you lock eyes with him. 

Dangerous Fellows-Lawrence x readerWhere stories live. Discover now