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   I love my sis!


She is so amazing!

I wrote her this poem!

What you mean to me,

Is more than I can express.

You see, I had no sister when I was little

To call when I was in distress.

When we first met,

We had no clue,

What was getting ready to happen,

Was not completely out of the blue.

God had a plan,

Throughout all the years,

He was making us for each other,

To share life's smiles and tears.

I never could have imagined,

What a sister's love was about,

Until I met you,

And then I really found out.

A sister's love is unconditional,

It's a love has no end,

A sister's love wants the best for each other,

It's a love that will always defend.

Sometimes we may get mad,

Or we may begin to fight,

But that's the fun part about having a sister,

We both think we're always right!

I'm so glad that I did not have,

A sister in the past,

It's made me much more thankful,

For the sister I have at last.

To me you are an angel in disguise.

Full of intuition, intelligent, and wise.

Always giving and helping through

Good times and bad....

Sister, we've been there through life's sorrow and pain

But together we have always endured the strain

We've argued and bickered and made each other mad

But if you weren't my sister, life would be so sad...

My sister my friend I must confess 

I do not know how much time you have left. 

How long will YOUR heart keep beating, 

Before that faithful doctors meeting......

                          I love you sis! You bitches better not mess with her

Michael HurleyWhere stories live. Discover now