Chapter 1- Warm and Dead

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'It's been three days. What the hell is taking you so long?' Mycroft yelled at his agents.

'Sir, he looks very smart. Jamming cameras, making untraceable calls using technology' Rachel told him.

'If he is smarter than you, then why the bloody hell are you still here?' He yelled at her and banged the table.

His agents were used to his snide, sarcastic comments, and rude and obnoxious behaviour but Mycroft was never one to show his anger in this manner. His face was almost always emotionless and now he was raging with anger.

'Sir, I am sorry but I don't think the whole point of this was ever Lady Smallwood, Evonne or the money. I think it was always Ms. Matthews' One of the agents said.

Mycroft pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to control himself. This agent was telling him something he already knew. Sherlock and John shared a look and decided not to comment on that, they were afraid of setting off Mycroft again and wanted to avoid another outburst.

'How is Evonne?' John asked him in a low voice.

'He beat her to a bloody pulp and stuffed her in the fridge. What do you think?' he snapped at John but then realized that the man was just trying to help 'Sorry. She is still in the ICU, they fixed her hypothermia but her injuries are bad. She'll be fine in a few days.' He said rubbing his hand over his face. There was no time for exhaustion, he had to find her as soon as possible. His phone rang. He looked at the caller id, it was an internet call. He signalled Rachel to trace the call and put it on loudspeaker.

'Hello, Mr. Holmes' his cheerful voice pierced Mycroft's ear.

'Who the hell are you?' Mycroft yelled.

'PSYCHO' he sang and laughed 'Don't yell at your agents Mr. Holmes, even if they work 24-7 they won't be able to find her or me. They are not good enough to even trace my location. Don't you get it? Turn right' Mycroft turns towards the security camera. 'Say hi Mr. Holmes. You can't see me but I will always have my Eyes On You. Because I'm everywhere' Mycroft glared at Rachel. The poor girl desperately wanted the earth to tear open and swallow her in that moment. 'I didn't take you for the desperate kind. You're desperate to see her. Aren't you? She is too' he teased 'Oh Mycroft! Come on. I'll do you a favour. A dialogue box will appear on Rachel's screen, right about... now' And it does. 'Enter the code: 220317. Catch me if you can or at least scoop up what's left of your girlfriend. Good luck!' he kissed and disconnected the call.

Mycroft ignores the connection his brain was making of the code and a particular date. The date Tej and Tara's home was attacked. There was no time for that. It killed Mycroft to think what he might have done to Tara.

'Sir, I got a location' Rachel told him 'It's a warehouse in west London'

'Send me the location of the place. Agents rush to the location immediately' Mycroft ordered.

'What's the point he would've already left? He is just mocking you' Sherlock stated.

'I know that we are going there to find any clue he might have left' Mycroft told 'Send an ambulance and a forensic team to the location. Now!' he ordered his agents.

Mycroft, Sherlock and John rushed to the location in Mycroft's car. Mycroft ran into the warehouse. It was completely empty. The first thing the three men notice is the strong smell of hypo-chlorite, the whole place reeked of it. There was no point in the forensic team coming now, they wouldn't be able to find anything.

Mycroft looked at his beloved. Tara was unconscious, lying on a hospital bed in the middle of the warehouse. He ran to her and scooped up her frail body in his arms. He noticed the burn marks on her skin, she was pale, white as snow, and he could see her veins. The green lines on her frozen white skin were painfully visible. 'Stay with me' he whispered into her ears as he carried her to the ambulance.

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