Mythical creatures

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Abominable Snowman- Big, human-like body, white fur, big feet

Anansi- Often takes the form of a spider??? (idk lol)


Banshee- Could appear as withered old hag or supernaturally beautiful women (idk)

Black-eyed children- aliens (or whatever) that take the form of a child, but their eyes are black and soulless

Bigfoot- Big monkey

Bogeyman- ????? Idk lol

Behemoth- Lol idk


Centaur- half-horse half-man (I think)

Cerberus- Three-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld

Chupacabra- Bear-like, hairless beast with spikes????

Cyclopes- Big hairy, ugly giant with one eye 


Demon- an evil spirit from hell that tries to take over a humans body??? 

Doppelganger- Someone or something that looks (or closely resembles) another person

Dragon- Giant, fire-breathing lizards  (Godzilla with wings basically)

Dwarf- Short, humanoid who is usually skilled in mining?? 


Elf- Pointy-eared humanoids, doesn't age (or ages very slowly)???


Fairy- Small, flying humanoid with magic

Frankenstein- Hideous monster made from diseased body parts??


Ghost- Spirits of the dead that still remain in the realm of the living?

Gnome- Small, humanoid creature who lives underground?

Goblin- A hideous and troublesome little creature who has a strong greed for gold?

Golem- An animated, human-shaped creature made of stone

Gorgon- Snakes instead of hair and scaly skin, humanoid, can turn a person into stone with its sight

Griffin- Has the body of a lion, tail of a snake, head and wings of an eagle

Grim Reaper- Death itself, comes to take your soul to the afterlife

Goatman- A man with the head of a goat, probably evil


Hydra- nine-headed (number can vary), gigantic water-like-snake that grows 2 new heads when 1 is cut off.

Hybrid- Idk how to describe it. 2 or more creatures merged together. 


Imp- ?


Jersey Devil- Often described as having hooves, snake's tail, bat wings, head that looks like a horse?

Jackalope- Body of a rabbit and antlers of a deer?


Kelpie- Shape-shifting water-horse that is deadly

Kraken- Giant Squid or Octopus

Krampus- Evil version of Santa lol, often has chains and drags kids away to hell when they've been naughty at Christmas

Kirin- Body is partially or fully covered in scaled, is often shaped like a horse, ox, or deer. Has cloven hooves. 


Leprechauns- Small, bearded men who have a pot of gold sometimes????

Loch Ness Monster- Lol idk

Lamia: Child-eating monster, half-woman, half snake


Manticore- Lion's body and human head?? 

Medusa- Basically a Gorgon, but Medusa is a woman lol

Mermaid- Head and torso of a female, tail of a fish

Minotaur- Part-man, part-bull? 

Mothman- Winged creature in the shape of a man, and red eyes

Mongolian Death Worm- Slimy red worm with fangs

Megalodon- Gigantic shark

Merhorse- A hybrid between a horse and a seahorse


Naga: Half-human half-serpent 


Ogre- come on, we all know what ogres are. Shrek. 

Orc- idk????????


Pegasus- Winged horse

Phoenix- A flaming fire bird that bursts into flames when at the end of it's life, but gets reborn 






Shapeshifters- Creatures that can take the form of anything they please, for example: A human into a bird

Siren: Man-eating beautiful women that lure men into the ocean with their voices/singing and drown them (or eat them)


Thunderbird- Said to create thunder by flapping its wings 

Troll- Large and ugly beast-like monster


Unicorns- Magical horse with a single horn in the centre of its forehead


Vampire- Blood-sucking weird creature that only comes out at night


Wendigo- Evil spirit that possesses a human and turns them into cannibals?

Werewolf- A creature that takes the form of a human in the day, but at night (Mostly on a full-moon) they turn into a wolf-like creature

Wolpertinger- Basically has the body of a rabbit with wings and antlers

Wyvern- They have 2 legs, is dragon-like but smaller, and a barbed tail




Yakshas: Idk


Zombie- the dead that have come back to life and in most tales, eat brains. Also known as the living dead

I will try and draw some of these too 

That's all I know for now! Please suggest some more ;-;

And maybe tell me the description of the ones I don't know lol

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