Chapter 1

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I groan but I know I have to get up, hello my name is Clay Cooper I'm 28 years old and completely normal sorta I live by myself I dont really have any family anyway. I went to the bathroom took a shower and got dressed in a black tank top with the autobots symbol on the front and black shorts I brushed my long hair then put it into a braid then went downstairs and ate breakfast then left for work I use to work at a bakery but now I work at a auto repair shop I'm pretty good at my job (a/n Clay's truck can turn into a bracelet so it cant be stolen plus it his true form shhhhh it's just completely black with yellow spots on it same kind of truck as Ironhide except a little bit bigger) I got to the shop "Hey boss I'm here" "Good, Clay I need you to work on this car while I make a call" "Yes sir" I went to the car and started working on it.

(A/N: I forgot to say Clay has the autobots symbol on both shoulders since he was a baby sorry. Times skip by Ratchet throwing a wrench at someone)

I was finally done working so I made my truck appear then got in then went home since a transformers marathon was on I'm not missing it which lucky for me it didn't get that far into the first movie *Yes! I didn't miss much * I thought I was about to finished the last movie when I fell asleep


"Hello?" I asked "Hello child" a voice said "Um hi where are you? " " You do not need to worry about that child right now I'm here to tell you we're sending you to the bayverse as Sam's older brother" "Wait! Why do I need to go there?" I asked "Because it's your destiny and where you truly belong but dont tell anyone you came from another world or tell them you know the future" "Yes sir no telling them anything" the voice chunkled then said "Good now when you wake up you'll be at the Witwicky house in your room, you'll also fine your real family here good luck child"

*End of dream*

"Clay, Clay!" I opened my eyes to see Sam trying to wake me "I'm up Sam stop shanking me" "Come on then we got to go I got school" I got up as he left my room i grabbed a blue shirt (to hide the autobots symbol) and ripped jeans then got dressed,I brushed my teeth then hair I put it into a braid and finally went down stairs "Clay there you are I made breakfast " Judy said "Thanks mom " we ate breakfast then I drove Sam to his school so he can get his final A so he can get his future car after dropping him off I drove around town since I do have a job to do

(Time skipped by me flying)

I got off of worked then parked behind dad while we wait for Sam we talked that's when Sam came out with his paper "Yes! It's an A- but still an A right?" "Wait let me see it" "We're good right?" " Yeah we're good" Sam got into dad's car I started my truck and follow them I see dad do that stupid joke then Sam said something that's when we got to Uncle Bobbie's place. I parked next to dad's car got out so I can help Sam with his car search when I spotted the yellow with black stripes Camrao (aka bumblebee) "Hey Sam check this one out" Sam came over then opened the driver side while I got in to passenger seat "Feels nice" Sam said I nodded then we both see the symbol on the steering wheel "Cool" I said "Hey dad I want this one" Sam said then you know what happened next (A/N sorry if I'm not doing it just like the movie it's been a while since I've seen the movie) "Four thousand!" Uncle Bobbie said Sam pumped him fist up in the air then got back into the car then started driving in it I got back into my truck then drove behind Sam once we parked i went my room and got changed into a blue tank top and red shorts then i went down stairs grabbed a bucket,sponged, soap,and the hose and finally started washing Bumblebee since Sam will need his car soon to go to a party he talked about *Well I'm not going i really need a nap* after washing and drying Bumblebee I started washing my trunk Sam already left once I was done I ate dinner went to my room and just flopped onto my bed and fell asleep

(Time skip by Ironhide with his canons)

I slept through the part where Sam chase after bumblebee but I did get up to work which I only get for 3 hours since it's Friday. When Sam saw bumblebee come back he ran I just followed in my truck if you wondering I then saw barricade I rammed my truck into him that's when Bumblebee showed up he went to get Sam and Mikayla I drove right behind them *I'm having a blast even if I'm not supposed to * I thought that's when Barricade tackled Bumblebee while Frenzy chased after Sam and Mikayla I got out of my truck and turned it into my bracelet and tackled Frenzy but he managed to get away from me and attack Sam but Mikayla came with that saw and she cut Frenzy which hurt for some reason once that was over we spotted Bumblebee me and Sam went near him "Sam Clay what are you two do?" "I dont think he'll hurt us" I snort knowing Bumblebee won't hurt "Do you speak?" Sam asked Bumblebee said some things through his radio "so you speak through the radio?" I asked Bumblebee nodded pointing at me I smiled "So what was that last night?" Sam asked Bumblebee (btw to Clay it sounds like Bumblebee is just speaking normally) "I sent a message to my team in space" Bumblebee said "So your an alien?" Mikayla asked Bumblebee pointed at her then transformed opening his door "Anymore question you want to ask?" Bumblebee asked I walked over to Bumblebee and got in the back "You sir were awesome in that fight" I said to Bumblebee he made a beep noise in his way of thanking me Sam and Mikayla finally got in.

(Time skipped )

We are now in the alleyway that we meet the others "Hey Clay did you take your medicine?" Sam asked I paused trying to remember if I did or not I "Nope I forgot plus that might explain why I feel childish right now" I said I smiled which made Sam groan that's when a few vehicles showed up the blue and red one stopped in front of us and started to transform the others did too (btw I'm adding sideswipe and sunstreaker in here) I looked around us "Wow" I said the yellow one (Ratchet) looked at me that's when Optimus asked "Are you Sam witwicky descendant of Archibald Witwicky?" "Yeah but you forgot to ask my brother that" I looked away *damn forgot he didn't know I was adopted * Optimus looked at me then said "I see no traces of him in your family " I said "That's because I'm adopted sorry Sam" anyway Optimus said "My name is Optimus Prime" (pretend he said the other part) Ratchet said "But you can call us autobots for short" "Autobots " Sam said. "What's kicking little bitches" the silver one said "My first lieutenant Jazz" "This looks like a good place to kick it" Jazz said I giggled at him which made him smile at me "Where did he learned to talk like that?" "We learn earth's languages through the world wide web" "Nice" I said "My weapon specialist Ironhide " Ironhide pointed his cannons at us "You feeling lucky punk" I tried to touch his cannon but Sam pulled me back "Easy Ironhide" "I'm just kidding only wanted to show them my cannons 'points at me' but I like this one" I smiled then looked at Sam "Sam you have three seconds to let go of me or I'm going to hit you with my wrench " Sam let got with his hands in the air in surrender the bots laugh a little "My medic Ratchet " "Hmm the boy pheromones levels say he want to mate with the female" Sam and Mikayla looked uncomfortable at that, I looked at Sam with a really look "Also the other male seems not to be human" Ratchet said I looked at him with a confused look "Mind coming forward so I can scan you?" "Not at all Ratchet " I walked over to him he picked me up then scan me which tickled "By the primes" Ratchet said "What is it Ratchet?" Optimus asked "Clay here is a cybertronain just in a holoform" I turned my head sideways meaning I didn't know that "Do you have a vehicle that is with you no matter what?" Ratchet asked "Yes I do just put me down" I said he put me down and I made my truck appear i looked at him "That's your true form Clay but it's like your stuck" i shrugged then I felt something clicked in my head I looked at my truck they see the autobots symbol on it appear on it "Try thinking of your real self" Ratchet said I did as he told me to and I disappeared and transformed I looked at at the others "Ironmedic" Ironhide said which made me look at him I said "S-sire" Ironhide pulled me into a hug I smiled I looked at Ratchet "Carrier hug?" He came over and hugged too. I looked at the other bots with a smile Optimus smiled then we got back at the task at hand "Those two are my frontiers Sideswipe and Sunstreaker" they both nodded but they were mainly looking at me without anyone noticing "And this is your guardian Bumblebee" Bumblebee did something with the radio punching nothing just showing off I giggled at him "What are you here for" Mikayla asked "We are here for the Allspark and must find it before Megatron" "Mega-what?" Sam asked "Mega-bitch" I said which made the others smile at my insult.

To be continued

Thanks for reading this I'm am getting it going right? Sorry if it's so long I didn't realize I made it this long 1793 words and more hehe thanks for reading my Little Hybrids

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