The plan...

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I stood there with what I knew was confusion on my face. I remembered the Doctor telling me about the Master, but last we both heard he was dead. Now to figure out that he was alive as a women. That was a whole new can of crazy.
"Are you sure?" I asked the Doctor.
"Of course I am sure," he snapped.
We sat there and I came up with a million plans to stop her/him from doing it. I knew that none would work. He put the book down and sighed.
"I'm sorry, River. I didn't mean to snap. I am just trying to wrap my head around the fact that He is a she now."
"It's ok, Doctor."
I saw Jenny and Jack coming back. So did the Doctor.
"What is the plan, Dad?" Jenny asked.
"We get to the main control and disable it," he said.
I looked at the factory and remembered what the Doctor had said about the Master being clever. He was someone I did not want to get on the wrong side of even if he is now a she.
"And exactly how are we supposed to do that, Doc?" Jack asked.
The Doctor shook his head and I knew what I had to do...

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