oh no...

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(mcgee: THIS IS NOT WHAT I THOGHET WOULD HAPPEN i scearmed me, gretchen, and squirt were running as fast as we could. never in a million years would i have thoghet that rossbud , armed, and swayer would try and kill us . thats when we saw a exit so close to freedom all of a seacae i scearmed as i felt rossbuds knife in the back of my head i fall to the ground , i scearm for grecthen and squirt but they just ran out and left me , i felt my self being eatin alive but that wasn't the end they cut of my left hand and sewed something to it. over the microphone i heard jordans vocies say to get of me and that they wasn't Supposed to kill me , everything was going black . i woke up at a Hospital i tryed to move my head but it hurt so bad i open my eyes to see my mom and dad stareing at me with tears in there eyes i asked them what happen they said i was kiddnaped i know that was a lie. a docter came if the room to talk to my parents i look over to see jordan, suzie , squirt , grecthen and swayer , armod , rossbud dressed up as humans after the paresrt were done talking they started to let people in starting with swayer , armod , rossbud when they came in they were apologizing and asking if i was ok i resevr them that im ok . next was squirt and grecthen squirt was crying his eyes out and grecthen looked so upset i told them both i was ok right after i was being hug to death a little tiet there, then there was jorden and suzie..... we sat there in slice for a while jorden ones the first to speck sorry for all most killing you..... its all right no harm down i gave him a happy smile i look at suzie who had tears in her eyes she ran to me and just huged me we stay like that for a while in till we fell alseep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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