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The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear, is fear of the unknown.


If only she did not say those words to her friend then maybe she would have not died today.

"I saw Audrey behind the window sill", said Rita, if only she hadn't said that then she wouldn't be killed.

Rita was fatal when it comes to decisions, her life has been a story for children who choose unwisely.

Before Rita died it was October and a party is being organized, inside the courtyard where Seniors are gathered. Rita waved at Audrey for she was her best friend, Audrey whimpered and wanted to meet Rita's cousin. Rita said "Be patient, he is coming naturally.", but Audrey had other plans, she dragged Rita down to the second floor and there stood Randolph, wearing his blue jersey and holding his ball. Audrey looked at him in awe and Rita looked with disgust, Rita thinks Randolph is completely a dickhead.

Rita always brings Audrey gifts and Audrey gives her baked goods. Their parents are friends nine years apart, they met at their school's dance. Audrey took some things from her brother's room, it was fifty nine dollars and a set of cologne, to give it to Randolph, Rita's beloved cousin, whom she wished had asked her to prom but never seemed interested.

Just as an hour has passed and Audrey is done stalking him, Randolph approaches the nearest table and waved hello to the girls. He gives Rita a clap and a wink, this made Audrey turn up a smile and Rita knew it was fake.

Back at Rita's home, there was her mother, cooking a random dish and upstairs was her brother. Julie Boy is what she calls her dog, her father reads newspapers, the television is still open yet no one was watching. Twenty yards apart there stood Audrey's home, the usual modern home of a normal family. Too normal, added Rita's mother. For most of the time, strange occurrences has been rumored happening in Audrey's home.

Sometimes they would hear loud wailing noises of people whom they don't really know if they are people. Sometimes the lights would flicker every three o'clock in the morning. But Audrey assures they are just having electric problems in the house. Rita's father offered to help but they keep refusing, says it best to just let it be.

Not only was it strange for the house to do mysterious things. But also the ones who live in it, are just weird. According to Old Mackenzie, the old caretaker of the home, he said he tried to visit Audrey's family, but he came early in the morning and no one was answering, so he returned past midnight thinking they were not a morning person. Still no one was answering, the door was unlocked, and with his curiosity he let himself enter.

The door was creaking and the room was cold and empty. He saw black stains on the floor, it was oddly shaped and he flashed a small light from the pocket match he brought. He looked closer at the stain and it was covering the floor. The black stain made its way to the front of the house's entrance. It was like being painted from several parts of the house, he flashed the small light in every corner of the room. Just as Old Mackenzie entered the kitchen area, there was smoke and the black tar became thicker.

He tried to cover his face with the smell that stench the area, he stopped because he stepped on something. Naturally he lifted up his shoes and saw the small family picture frame of Audrey. It was a graduation picture but the glass has cracks on it and the image looks a bit disoriented. Cursing himself, the old man returned the piece of picture on the floor leaving it as it was. He took a moment to realize that something was moving behind him. He stood still and hold his breath. The fire in his hand started to fade and he began shaking about what will happen to his fate.

I saw Audrey behind the window sillWhere stories live. Discover now