Daisy Days - Part 6

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Donny's POV - you can guess whats happening in this chapter!

I woke up early and went straight over to Daisy's room, leaving Julia asleep in our bed. The last two years had been so incredible and permanently living with Julia and Daisy the last year was a dream. I sat on the edge of her bed and as expected she was awake within moments. "Uncle Donny." She said immediately sitting up and jumping into my lap.

"Hi flower. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes I did. Because I had my teddy that helps me pretend I'm holding you or mama close."

"I'm glad." I kissed her forehead and smiled. "So I have a question I wanted to ask you. And it's really important."

"Okay. I'm listening."

"So I've loved living with you and Mama and I love you both so much Daisy. And I never want to be apart from my girls. So I was thinking about proposing to your mama. What do you think?"

"This means you'll be marrying her right?"

"Yeah. Do you want me to marry your mama?"

"Yes yes yes! More than anything." She immediately put her arms around me and held me tightly.

"Do you want to see the ring?" She nodded and I got it out my pocket. I opened up the box and Daisy's jaw dropped as she saw the sparkling diamond ring.

"Mama will love it. It's perfect. Once you propose and ask mama to marry you, can I call you my dad?"

"I think that would be perfect for us." Daisy nodded and crawled into my lap. "I love you flower. And having a beautiful little girl in my life is the best thing in the world."

"I love having you in my life Uncle Donny. I never got my dada in my life. I only have what mama has told me and the photos. But that's very different from actually having him in my life. But I have you now too. And I love you so much."

"I love you so much too Daisy. And you've got to not tell mama okay? Our little secret."

"Okay. When are you going to ask mama?"

"I was thinking we could head to the park today, go for a short walk, make some Daisy chains, then I'll ask. How does that sound?"

"Perfect. I love making Daisy chains with you and mama. And I know it makes mama extra happy because its also a small reminder of dada."

"Yeah, and I will never replace dada. I'll be right by his side in her heart, and that's the same for you. I don't ever want you to forget your dada okay."

"Yes uncle Donny. I'll never forget him."

"Good girl. Let's go give mama some good morning hugs." Daisy nodded and the two of us walked into Julia and I's room of our new house we'd brought together a year ago.

"Good morning mama." Daisy said climbing onto our bed and kissing Julia as usual.

"Morning my angel."

"Uncle Donny said we can go to the park and make Daisy chains together again."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. I love going to the park and making daisy chains with my favourite people. My beautiful little girl and my incredibly handsome boyfriend." We got ready for the day, had breakfast and then headed to the park. I had the ring in my pocket and both Julia and I held each of Daisy's hands as she skipped along the path. I couldn't wait to officially become her dad. She really was the light of my life and I loved being her unofficial father. Once at the park Daisy ran over to our usual spot, under the big tree and began picking the Daisy's. Julia made a small crown for Daisy and Daisy and I made one for Julia. Once they were both finished I placed them on each of their heads and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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