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I crave home
A home with no roof but solace
Where I don't just go to sleep
But which wakes me up to a cozy space 
A home
Where I feel coming back to
Not the one I avoid or struggle through
A home
Still to be found
That place "Home"
Which is still there waiting to be tracked down
This place, My home
Where I think, I feel I belong
Is it still there? not gone too long
Maybe it's around me or I could not find it or it doesn't want to be found. 

But if I could not see
How would I come home?

Will I ever find that place Called HOME?

What is home?
For you, the people you love?
Is home?

I don't understand
How people become your home
With no void but you feel it
Like it's a safe house
You breathe it

No no, tell me. How?

Should I look for a home in you?
Will you keep me?

A Lil Lost , A Lot FoundWhere stories live. Discover now