Chapter 1

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January 1st 1980

"Honey! I'm homeee!" Sang the voice of Sirius Black as he and his wife walked into the cottage of James Potter and Lily Potter. A crash and then footsteps were heard from the stairs and then James potter leapt into his best friends arms. "Padfoot! I missed you!" He shouted before lowering his voice. "Lily has been super scary recently and I wouldn't be surprised if she murders me by the time she gives birth to mini prongs." He told his best friend, earning a fake cough from behind them.

"Lily is pregnant James, I was going to murder Sirius as well before I gave birth." The voice told them. James gasped and looked to his sister, finally letting go of Sirius. "You had the baby?! Omg congratulations, why wasn't I invited to the birth?! Never mind that, did I win? Is it a girl?" He was shushed by Sirius who quickly pulled him out of reach of his wife's fury.

"Yes I had the baby, it was an early and quick birth, it's actually a boy and where you two betting on our child ?!" She shouted. "We're doing it on mini prongs as well!" Sirius tried to fix earning a "What?!" From a fiery red head who was just coming down the stairs.

All three of them froze at the venomous. Sirius clapped his hands. "Okay who wants to meet Lupus Azar Black!" He introduced earnings a groan from Emma Potter, his wife, " Sirius, we've gone over this, it's Potter-Black!" She corrected causing Sirius to wave a hand dismissively.

He came back with a little boy with tanned skin like his mother and grey eyes matching his fathers perfectly. The odd thing is that his little tuft of hair was purple and then right before their eyes changed black after he sneezed causing lily to squeal. "He's a metamorphosis!"

"Why'd you name him Lupus Azar?" James questioned, knowing that Sirius always wanted the baby's name to have a further meaning. "Lupus is a constellation and it means wolf, figured we have to get Mooney in there somewhere since he's got both our last names. And Azar means fire cause the first colour his hair changed to was red." He told them smiling down at the baby in his arms who was now grabbing onto his finger with both hands.

November 26th 1980

"Go go go! Padfoot Jr for the win!"

"Cmon mini Prongs just cause he's got a bit of age on you doesn't mean you can't win!"

"No! Lu stop distracting Harry by changing your hair colour! Crawl dammit, Crawl!"

The voices of the marauders filled Potter-Black manor. 2 baby's where crawling across the floor, or in one of their cases dragging himself across the floor.

The baby known as Lupus, then began to push himself to his feet and turned to look at his dad.
"Yes! Yes! Go lupus ! Cmon walk to Paddy." Sirius said making hand gestures.

"Prongs get a camera!" The voice of Remus Lupin shouted to the raven haired man who ran off and returned with a camera recording.

The young boy took and step forward and then another. He then wobbled a bit before finding his footing and making it all the way to his dad who picked him up and kissed his face all over. "Oh my boy is so clever, yes you are! Oh paddy loves you so much, mummy would be so proud."

Emma Euphamia Potter-Black had died after what they assume is heaved torcher under the crucio curse by Bellatrix Lestrange 2 months after the birth of her son. It was hard for everyone in the marauders family but they pushed through for their children.

June 21st 1981

"Paddy!" Squealed a little 1 year old Lupus, followed by screamed of pain. At the noise Sirius black ran from his room, wand in hand and opened the door to the sight of a large black wolf with the young child's arm in his mouth.

At the sight of the man, the wolf fled and Sirius knew it was greyback who was infamous for biting children.

The toddler was crying his eyes out and his hair had gone a silver. Sirius rushed to his son and grabbed him, apperating to his friend Alice Longbottem who he knows is a healer.

"Alice! Alice help!! Please my son!" He shouted frantically, holding his crying sons arm to stop the bleeding.

Alice ran down the stairs, gasping at the sight of her long time friend and his little boy who was bleeding out his arm.

After hours of bleeding Alice looked up to Sirius. "You know what this means right Sirius?" She asked carefully. "Yep, my sons a werewolf, and I won't let him go through it alone." He told her determinedly.

September 4th 1981

"Lupus, cmon! Uncle Prongs will be here soon!" Sirius called to his son. He heard the sound of little feet padding through the house.

He was then pounced on by a small boy who grabbed onto his leg. "Pongs an lilfower an hawy?" The boy questioned, jumbling up his words. "That's right lupey, now we need to set up our special present for uncle prongs!" Sirius told the now teal haired boy.

Lupus squealed in delight and ran off, tripping a few times. He came back with arm full of dung bombs he'd found from god knows where. Sirius gave a bark like laugh as he scooped his son up. "We can't do that to auntie lily flower but just wait till prongs is on his own mate, we're gonna stink him up!" He told his son, smothering him in kisses.

October 31st 1981

Knock knock knock.

"Remus! Remus please open the door mate!" The dark haired man called into the door of his best mates small house. A tall scared man opened the door to the sight of a disheveled Sirius black, with his sleeping child in hand and a letter. "Padfoot what are you doing here?" The man questioned wearily. Sirius shoved his son into his best mates arms and gave him a kiss on the fore head. He then shoved the letter into Remus lupin hands and apparated after a rat.

I, Sirius Orion Black, give custody of my son, Lupus Azar Potter-Black, to Remus John Lupin, should anything happen to me. My fortune and house is to go to Lupus' carer until he is of age. Lupus is to see Minerva McGonagall at least once a month as she is godmother. If something happens to me you better look after my son or so help me i will haunt you ass. Please give the other letter to Lupus on his 11th birthday.

Best wishes,
Sirius Orion black

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