Chapter 1

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        "My god! Look at yourself!" A feminine voice scratched beside my ear. I groaned not wanting to be woken. I rolled over pulling a pillow over my head to block out her annoying voice. "David, your daughter looks like she rolled in a pile of hay. Matter of fact she probably did." Mother's voice shouted, still to close for my liking. No one wants to wake up after a late night to a screeching pterodactyl. Go back to Jurassic Park.

        First before any of you dirty minded people start thinking about a late night as a "Late Night", it was no such thing as that. I ended up falling asleep at the stables while I was rereading Harry Potter with the little Welsh pony named Oreo when I fell asleep. I woke up around three in the morning snuggled up to a 500 pound pony. I didn't have enough time to change my clothes or wipe the hay off my clothes or out of my hair before I climbed into my bed and fell back asleep. Now that it was summer time, I planned to spend every daylight hour in the stable.

        Here's a few things to know about my life. My dad, David, and my mom, Tiffany, had a lovely baby girl. My dad is the police chief of a small town called Faircliff, Colorado. Mom and Dad were both born and raised here in this town and they figured that it would be best that I would be too. Dad and the mayor, Clyde Stone, have always been best friends, even now. My mom was the typical blond cheerleader. They dated in high school when mom got done "dating " about half the grade. They got married soon after they graduated and had me. I am their only child. Mom despises me. Always have, always will. She wanted a little girl that was like her. She wanted me to dress up and wear bows and dresses. Oh she didn't like how I turned out.

        I never liked how she wanted me to be. I turned out more like my dad. I am more of a tomboy. I like riding dirt bikes and four-wheelers instead of doing pageants and going to the mall. She also wanted me to be her younger "twin". That do not go as planed. Instead of getting her bleach blond hair and tan skin, I got fiery red hair just like my dad's mom and I got my dads deep blue eyes instead of her icy blue crystals and I was as pale as a ghost.

        When I was around five, we really started to butt heads. I wanted a pony. When I told mom, she lectured me of how proper girls don't have pones, they have cute little doggies. So she took me to the pet store and took me over to the cute little puppies. She told me to pick which ever one I wanted. She wanted me to pick a little Pomeranian but I had found the one for me. In one little pin sat a cute little German Shepard puppy. I remember that I had a fit when she told me no I couldn't have him. I had such a big temper tantrum that she agreed to get him. That's how we got Max, my best friend.

        As I grew, I wanted to always read books and play sports and hang out with dad when he fixed up his car and other things. She hated it when I got a job last summer at the local stables. She hated my love for horses with a passion. I almost hated when she was in a room with me. Luckily she was never around as I grew up even more. She was always running "errands" and "shopping with friends". The truths was that she was really wrecking homes from the next town so no one from Faircliff would know that the Chief's wife was a cheating snake.

        Out of the 16 years of my life, she was practically nonexistent. My dad and I just became more close and did everything together. I had no friends at school because I was a nerd so I never had to worry about hanging out with other people. Now back to the story.

        Pounding of footsteps were heard billowing up the stairs. Those footsteps didn't sound like a human with two feet. More like a-. A scream cuts my thought off. Max to save the day! A heavy weight lands fast on my back. Paws try bat the pillow on my head away. Laughing, I turn over almost tipping Max off of me. "Maxy!" A long tongue comes out to like my face. Eww dog slobber!

        I use my shirt to wipe it off my face. Mom gives an angry huff before turning around and storming out of my room as fast as her five inch hooker heels would allow her. A moment later I hear the front door slam shut. I push Max of off me to get up and look out my window. The sun was glaring directly into my window making me squint to see mom get into her car angrily before pulling out and speeding off. Good riddance. Didn't want to deal with her today.

        I look down at my clothes seeing that I am in fact covered in straw and also dirt and even a mysterious spot. Probably horse poop. I grab some fresh clothes out of my dresser before taking a ten minute shower.

        I tie my hair up in a horrible bun before walking downstairs. Dad is sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper. "Morning Dad." I step over Max who's laying in front of the doorway. I walk over to the stove, turning it on and reaching into the cabinet to grab a pan. I go over to the fridges to get things out to make pancakes, sausage, and eggs. I grab a bowl to mix the pancake batter in and a pan to make biscuits in. I put the sausage in the pan on the stove to cook while I mix the batter. Max comes to sit by me while I cook. He whines every time I move to flip the sausages around in the pan.

        The kitchen smells like heaven when the food is done. I grab to plates and pile them both high with the delicious food. I place one plate in front of Dad and the other to the left seat beside him. I grab his cup to fill it up with some more coffee. I pour some dog food in Max's bowl once I put the steaming cup of coffee down. "This looks yummy." Dad says picking up his fork ready to dig in.

        He moans when he takes the first bite. "Harley, I swear you make the best food in the world but don't tell grandma about that." He points his fork at me. I laugh. Grandma Hilda says she is the best cook in the world and that no one can best her cooking. If someone does, then they get chased by a short, old lady with a wooden spoon. Grandma is actually very deadly with that spoon. I was knocked on the head with that spoon many a times growing up.

        "So what is on your schedule today?" I ask picking up a biscuit and smothering it in butter. I take a bite as I listen to him list of all the things he has to do. A court case, a couple of warrants to issue, and few recruits to test their skills. Same old, Same old. But one thing caught my attention. "Remember Har that we are going to have the Stones over for dinner tonight. I will be home around five so do you need me to pick you up from the barn?" I nearly choke on my biscuit. I cough trying to take in the information. The Stones were coming for dinner! Great now I would have to deal with Ryder.

        Ryder Stone, 17, is a pain. He's the bad boy of the town. He causes trouble and all. He has gotten in so many fights at school and has been suspended from school I'm surprised he's still there. But he is also the mayor's son. Ryder got left back so he's in my class this year and he is a walking terror. I'm pretty sure he has sleep with over half the school already. I avoid him at all costs. Luckily he doesn't see the little friendless nerd that's always hanging around his aunt's barn. That is something that irks me. His aunt owns the stable that I work at and he will sometimes just pop up out of no where out there and in an hour a rider goes missing and comes back giggling and messy looking. It makes me cringe just thinking he does that in the building where I have to go. Why doesn't he just go do that stuff somewhere else.

        I start to think about this dinner as I finish up. I will have to hurry home and cook something before they get here. I'll have to ask dad when they will be here. I go over and give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before grabbing an apple for little Oreo. I rub Max's head, yelling bye to dad. I grabbed my skateboard (another thing mom hates) and jacket before rushing out the door. I need to hurry to the barn so I could spend time that would be lost when I go home early today.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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