Night Fall

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It was a city with a village like structuring, there was a man in the middle of the crowds which were standing on the sides of him cheering and screaming his name. a group of men followed behind him. the lead man, the one everyone was cheering for was the leader of the christers named Sam Arytin known as gods Walker by his followers. he wore a top similar to a karate gi or non formal samurai wear. he had a straw hat with a a cross on the top but instead of the horizontal line going straight through the middle its moved to the the top and curved more inwards almost touching, a cigarette in his mouth, his facial hair was a scruffy mustache and chin hair that didnt connect, he was wearing long rectangle like earrings with crosses on them. he had a huge conceited smile on his face as he waved at his followers, the praise getting to his head like it always does. he looked to his left and saw a hooded figure, ye focused all his attention on this all black wearing hooded figure who standed out most in the crowd, one of his subordinates walked infront of him blocking his view"whats the matter boss" one of the men said while gently placing his hand on Sam's shoulder, sam pushed him out of his way to look back at the figure"move outta the way you idiot" when he looked back at the figure it faded away. Sam runs his eyes and shakes his head. on one of the rooftops another hooded figure is sitting on the edge of the rooftop resting against a scythe, the hooded figure let out an amused chuckle"we've finally found you, this should be interesting"

The scythe holding figure was standing on the ceiling staring down at the people celebrating below them"i followed them back to this place and got in through the window..... yes there is one guarding the door" a shadow of two hands came from under the door, the hands touch the shadow of the guards head. the guard then hears a knock at the door" open up it's me sam"he opens the door" boss? I thought you were upstairs" but Sam's face faded into the hooded figure from the crowd" he is" he pulled out a pistol that had a long silencer and and even longer clip that had sharp edges like a blade, he used that clip to slice his throat open. the figure than Walked into the room. two guard run toward him" well than my turn" the figure on the ceiling fell off, he flips his body to put his legs toward the ground, he then clicked his boots together shooting down towards the ground faster, his boots hit the two guards head, the guards felt heavier their bodies splitting squashing like a pancake blood sprayed all around him. he grabbed his scythe tapping it on the back of his neck" sorry to crash your party-" he said with a light chuckle smirking under his mask " but we're here to crash your party" the other hooded figure said as he walked up to him. the two took off the hoods revealing what lies behind the cloaks,the scythe weilder had black a yellow dreads, his mask had and upside down cross with the horizontal lines curving upwards, it had one eye hold showing his glowing gold eye. he wore a sleeveless vest, his left arm had a long cloth covering his arm, the cloth has a crescent moon on it, under the crescent moon had the words" nite rayyd" etched into it. the left side of his chest plate had the symbol of the sun, on the top of his right arm he had a tattoo of rectangles on the top and bottom and left and right. he wore black wrist armor with golden plates that glew red around the edges. he wore black ripped Jean's. he had black boots with a gold zipper on the side of his boots the soles were gold, with a gold plate below the zipper. the other one with the pistol had a hoodie which under the hoodie he wore a face mask with a tattoo right under his eye, it had three circles with another above the middle circle he had a body holster for his two pistols that had the same symbol of the other mask on the middle of it. he had a strap going around his right arm, a fingerless glove on his left. there were two straps flowing down his right leg, chains wrapping around his left. his shoes had a strap connecting the lower part together, and the strings were untied. " is the trap set menace" menace nodded and pulled out his sword slowly" it's ready slaied" shadows were stretch from menace to the men in the room slaied shot up with is scythe "let's do this!"soldiers now see an image of a little girl with black and blonde hair with a rose dress. she giggled and skipped towards them with her arms behind her back, her gold eyes twinkling."where did this little girl come from" one of the guards said the little girl hopped in the air with a big smile, she throws her left arm out and swipes to the left the illusion ending and slaied appearing where the girl jumped he then swings his scythe beheading four guards he lands crouched over " you're up boss!" menace runs up to slaied and jumps off his back he then takes his blade and beheads 4 more" another nice cleancut, my blade has never let me down" menace said as he swung the blood off his sword. Sam threw open the door upstairs" what is all this ruckus!?" sam seen the two and smiled" ohhhh I see some misguided children who need to be purged" sam said as he tipped his strawhat."childen? children!?!?" slaied said angrily as he gripped his scythe" my childhood was stripped away because of you, and all those millions on millions of years in limbo, trust me I'm not a child anymore you should know, you put us there" sam raised and eyebrow and took his cigarette out his mouth" put you there?" menace then took off his hood  , sam dropped his cigarette"you!?! I thought I killed" menace looked at him narrowing his eye, his bloodlust filling the room"yeah.. I thought so too, I dare you to try again"

Nite Rayydحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن