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In an awfully boring morning. Jollibee thought "Mmmm I'm bored."
He heard a huge fuss in the hall way.
Curious, He approached one of the girls who were lining up there. He asked her "What's going on?" She replied with an exciting tone "MCDONALDS WENT TO SCHOOL HERE!!!!! EEEEEKK!!"

Jollibee decided to ignore the situation and approached his seat back at the back. However with the girls running to see McDonald's, Jollibee bumped on one of them. As a response to anger, The Young female decided to shove Jollibee.

Jollibee fell and mumbled "You piece of sh-". He then stood up and ran. Without looking he bumped into McDonald's.

They both shared a glance before continuing their business. Jollibee went to the bathroom with his face all red and flushed. "WTFFFF WHY WAS HE SO HOT OMG..." He thought to himself. Before leaving he saw McDonald's waiting for him outside the bathroom.

McDonald's approached him and said "Were you the dweeb to bumped into me?". Intimidated, Jollibee looked at his right side and tried to walk away. McDonald's grabbed his arm and said "Don't try to run away from me."

Jollibee felt the atmosphere become intense. Jollibee pushed McDonald's and ran away. McDonald's felt angry after being pushed by someone who's apparently "Not his level".

The next day McDonald's waited outside Jollibee's classroom and waited for Jollibee to finish his classes for atleast 2 hours. As Jollibee had finished his exam and walked out, McDonald's unexpectedly grabbed his arm and pinned him to the wall.

Jollibee blushed and screamed "STOP! THIS IS THE SCHOOL". The scream caught everyone's attention. They all faced at the direction the scream was at and saw McDonald's pinning Jollibee on the wall while holding both his arms above his head.

Everyone immediately misunderstood and came up with the idea that McDonald's and Jollibee are dating. The angry McDonald's fans got jealous after rumours started spreading about their "relationship".

Ever since that day. Jollibee started getting shamed by the McDonald's fans. They did all sorts of things to Jollibee (Calling nicknames like "McDonald's ripoff", Pushing him in an empty room to lock him in, And beating him up).

Jollibee got tired and angrily approached McDonald's. He punched McDonald's on the face and shouted "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!". McDonald's who was confused with the situation stood still while holding his bruised face from the punch that felt like Zhongli's puzzle meteorite.

To be continued 🤭🧐😏

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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