Writting All Eyes On Me

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This isn't a chapter per say but it's just Carrie's writting process for All Eyes On Me. This isn't just about what happened with Julie and the talent show but a build up of things. Like how being the famous Trevor Wilson's daughter is a lot of pressure on her.
Anyways on with the show! 🍭🍬✨💎💖

Whenever I walk into the room,

All the focus on me.

When I walked into class this morning, all I could feel was everyone's eyes piercing into my soul. It's not anything I'm not used to though, I get that alot being Trevor Wilson's daughter.

Whatever I did in public, everyone was always watching. I represent my father. If I made a mistake it reflected off of him.

The way I talk the way I move,
They all want on my team

I couldn't wrap my head around why everyone wanted to be like me, having a famous dad. It's not the wonderful dream it sounds to be. He's always away on trips and tours, and he expects me to be just as perfect as he is.

Not tryna brag, brag, but I'm flawless
I'm taking over your playlist
Ain't perfect but I can't miss, yeah

Eveyone thinks I live this perfect luxurious life, and yeah my dad was rich, but that's doesn't make life perfect. And whenever I try and talk to Julie about it, she calls me ungrateful. I am more than greatful for everything I have, but those material things don't always make me happy.

Sometimes I hear my name in the hallways in passing. Not only getting compared to my father but getting compared to Julie. I was one of the main things people talked about, which is why I had to be careful in everything I did in public. One mistake and I'd be all anyone talks about, and so will my father.

I'm not perfect, I am just like everyone else, except I can't make as many mistakes. So, I put on this fake persona of someone who never makes mistakes.  The mistakes I do make I hide well by making it seems planned.

The party don't start till I walk in, I'm stealing all the attention
Don't get me started on mentions, yeah

Whenever I went parties, as soon as I walked in it was like everybody was my best friend. They would all run up to me and want to talk to me, ask me questions about having a famous dad. I stole all the attention away just by simply being there, and I hated it. I didn't want the attention I wanted to enjoy a party with my friends. I guess now it's my friend because all I have is Katie.

And not to mention people would always mention how my dad was so talented and how I was okay. They described my dad as a rock star and me as a nice singer. People would always mention how my talents didn't compare to his, and what made it worse was what this one girl told me. I'd never forget it.

"Julie's way talented and you...you're cute, but that's it. Your talent doesnt compare to her's. I bet your dad wishes she was his daughter instead of you."

I will never forget those words because I knew it was true. I wasn't as talented as Julie, and my dad was deffintly more proud of her in a day than he'd ever be of me in my entire life.

Some might say I sound conceited,
They don't get the shine that I get
Some get jelous they can't help it,
They wish they were me, oh

Some people may think I'm a but conciteted for trying to be the best, but I'm just trying to make my dad proud. To top it off I'm stuck standing in his spotlight, that I just wasn't made to live up to. It shines too bright in my eyes, blinging me at times.

Some people are jelous of me because of all that I have. They think everything I get his handed to me by my dad because he's rich. They wish they could have that, they wish they had what they my life is. What they don't understand is what I'd give to have a normal life there's, because all my life consists of is all eyes on me and trying hard everyday to stand in a spotlight that's burning my skin without any help from my busy father.

I keep the party going all night, all night
I set the trends that you all like all like,

There had been times when parties were supposed to end, but no one would leave because they all wanted to talk to me about my father. When I try to go home, I just get stopped by more people I nthe way out. The parties I attend go on all night, which is why I eventually stopped going to parties.

Whenever I do something, it seems to become a trend. Even if it's the most stupid thing ever, everyone seems to think whatever I do is trendy. But not my singing and dancing if course, that will always just be "nice"

I make an entrence when I don't try, don't try,
Cause all I see is all eyes on me

I always end up making some kind of entrence. Right when I walk into the room, everyone is excited to see me as if I was Trevor Wilson myself. The worst part about all this is they don't want to be my friend, they don't care about me, they just want to know more about the famous Trevor Wilson. They're using me for my dad.

Wherever I go, all I see is all eyes on me, watching me.

I only lead I never follow, follow
I never open cause it's my show, my show
Don't know if people think I'm shallow, shallow,
Cause all I see is all eyes on me

I wish I knew what people thought of me. I tried to act like a girl who had her stuff together, who knew what she was doing. I tried to act like I was a talented musician, but the truth is I'm not a talented musician. So how do people perserive me?

They know my face they know my name
Reputation on lock

They recognize me as Trevor Wilson's daughter, everybody knows that. And when it comes to school, as much as I get compared to him I've made a name for myself, she not the one I want. My reputation is the girl who wants to be the best, and everyone take study in a conciteted way. I don't want to be the best I just don't want to be just nice. I want to be outstanding.

Ain't my fault I got the fame
Ain't my fault it won't stop

My dad was famous, so I got some fame from that, but it wasn't my game form my accomplishments, it's my dad's fame. When I tried to explain this to Julie, she called my selfish and ungrateful. I didn't chose this life, I didn't ask my dad to become famous. I just want it all to stop, I want to start fresh, I want people to know the real me. Not Trevor Wilson's daughter. I don't want to be Carrie Wilson I want to be Carrie. 

When I grow up I want to be me, be me
I'm my own goal, just talking honestly
Must have won the lottery
Ain't no one as hot as me
Stealing looks it's robbery

When I grow up, I want my own identity. I want to be known as me not as my dad's daughter. I want to be as talented as him but I don't want to be famous just because I'm his daughter. I want to be famous because I'm talented.

I didn't know what else to put in with this kart of the song so I filled it in with random lyrics.

Everywhere I go all eyes on me

Enough said. It's all eyes on me where I go. Watching Trevor Wilson's daughter, while Carrie goes unknown.

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