Chapter 2: The Stranger in my Backyard

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I don't know how long I was asleep, but I felt someone shaking me and yelling my name. I moved my head and slowly opened my eyes, everything was a little blurry but my vision soon cleared. I was still in the basement, and my mom was shaking me, telling me to wake up.

"I'm up. I'm up.." my voice croaked, I sounded like I was sick.

"Sweetie, it's 9 am and you need to come up for a bagel and some Oj." She was being rather sweet to me.

"Okay.." I was confused since she was never this nice to me.

As I got up, I realized my bird was still with me and in his carrier. So I moved him to the side and got up onto my feet. Then I picked up the carrier and walked out the basement, the bright light from the outside world slightly blinded me. When I gained back my sight, all I saw was pure destruction all around me. My heart sank, yet I was thankful I was safe from this mess.

Tree limbs, shingles, siding, and so much more littered the yard. My steps slowed as I looked around at it all, I couldn't believe that I woke up to this mess. No words could form in my mind, it was just unbelievable that in one night everything could just disappear. I turned to look at the place I called home and saw all that was left on it. The roof, most of the siding and many of the windows were ruined.

"I know, we have a lot to fix now." She noticed how I was looking at the mess.


"Just be thankful we're alive. Now come on in and have some breakfast." She gently pushed me to the porch steps leading into the house.

I walked around the bend and up the steps slowly, looking at all the destruction around my home. My mom opened the door and I walked inside, I saw the kitchen was a bit of a mess but at least it was still here. We had to keep our shoes on since there was broken glass and porcelain dishes all over the floor. My aunt came up to me and handed me a bagel and a small bottle of orange juice. At least it was something until clean up crews can come and evaluate the damage and clean up the yard. Plus get us to a hotel for the time being.


An hour later I was wandering around the yard, trying to clean up a little. I was trying to lift this one, rather large branch and after the struggle I moved it. What I saw under it scared me half to death. It was a man, covered in cuts, bruises and dried up blood. I prayed that this man was still alive as I checked his pulse. It was beating, and I saw his chest move a little.

I looked at him more closely, studying his face. He couldn't have been any older than me, maybe at least 21 or a few years older. His skin was not much more pale than me, meaning he didn't get outside much. The man had dirty, raven black hair and a few leaves sticking out, so I plucked them out. Looking at the rest of him, his clothes were dirty, soaked and a little ripped up. Though he did have a comfortable style similar to mine, black sleeveless hoodie, slightly oversized blue t-shirt, black baggy pants and black converse.

A hand suddenly grabbed my arm, startling me. I heard a cough and looked at where it came from, it was the man, he was sitting up and looking at me. Some of his hair fell onto his face just above his eyebrows. I stared at him, just as he stared right back at me. His eyes a deep blue, like the ocean. I realized I was staring and shook my head trying to get myself out of the little staring contest we had.

"Y-your awake." Still surprised by what just happened.

"..." He still just looked at me with unblinking eyes.

"S-sorry if I was doing anything wrong. I found you here.. in my backyard and I had to make sure your alive." I didn't notice I kind of was stumbling over my words here and there while explaining what I was doing.

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