The Start of the Show

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Louis came out on stage to a horrific scene. Harry was bleeding out to death. How did this happen? They just started the show! What had occurred in the two minutes they had seen each other? All these thoughts were running through his head as he ran towards Harry. "Hazza!" Louis yelled, "are you alright?". When he finally got to his body, he realized that he wasn't moving or breathing. Harry didn't even look alive. He was quickly checking for a pulse. There was none. He started on CPR. It did absolutely nothing. "Help!" Louis screamed in panic, "Call 911!"

Somewhere in between the yelling and the CPR, Louis had started crying. Tears gathering in his eyes made it hard for him to see. "Lou!" He faintly heard his name called. "Lou, stop! I'm okay!" What? Was that Harry's voice? Louis stopped the chest compressions to look at the gorgeous curly-haired boy beside him, gently shaking Louis' shoulders.

"Harry?" Louis asked. "It was supposed to be a joke, Lou" Harry said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm okay. It's just a dummy. See? It's not real." Louis grabbed Harry and held on as if he had just lost him for real and started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Come on, Lou. Let's get you off stage" Harry's said as he led Louis off stage and back towards the dressing rooms. All the while comforting and telling him that he was fine and okay.


As soon as Harry saw Lou's face, he knew he had made a mistake. Why did he agree to pretend to be dead? It wasn't even funny, but to play with Lou's emotions like that? Yeah, it was definitely a mistake. Louis was in hysterics trying to bring that dummy back to life with CPR. Harry got to him as soon as he could. It took a minute, but he finally was able to get Lou to snap out of it and realize that the body was fake.

Now he's here sitting in his dressing room with Lou on his lap, still crying as if the horrible thing was real! The fear was real for Louis. Harry felt like a dick. It made him feel so guilty that he started silently crying himself. He was crying for making Louis feel this way.

"Lou, I'm so sorry. You were supposed to be told!" Harry quietly spoke. "They told me you knew! I wouldn't have gone along with it if I knew that you were kept in the dark". Louis just clung to Harry's shirt like a dryer sheet to a fleece jacket. Trembling and seemingly not able to speak with his face buried in Harry's neck.

"I'm okay, Lou. I'm right here. I'm with you. I love you". Harry hoped his words were sinking into Louis as he rocked him back and forth while rubbing his back. After about five minutes, Louis was quiet and still.

"I'm so sorry, Lou" Harry repeated as tears rolled down his cheeks. "You were supposed to know. They told me you knew".

"Harry," Louis finally said, " I thought I lost you."

I Thought I Lost You //L.S.Where stories live. Discover now