The Dressing Room

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Louis looked up to see Harry crying and immediately touched his cheeks with his tiny hands to comfort him. "Oh, Hazza" Louis whispered as he leaned their foreheads together. "I know you would never intentionally put me in a situation of distress." Louis kissed Harry's lips. "I forgive you, sweetheart." 

Harry then let out a huge sign of relief and kissed Louis back. "I still feel like such a dick." Guilt was still apparent in Harry's voice. "Let it go sweetheart. All that matters is that you ARE alive and here with me now." Louis lightly rubbed their noses together. "Oh Harry, I was scared out of my mind" Louis exhaled. "I'm very relieved to know you're still here." 

Louis could sense Harry's lingering guilt and decided to kiss it better. He started slowly as their mouths connected. Each movement told Harry that he forgave him wholeheartedly. Showing him, he still loved him no matter what. 

The kiss became deeper as Louis shifted on top of Harry to now straddle him. His hands moved from his cheeks to the back of his neck and into his hair. All the while, Harry was pushing Louis' back to bring him closer. The kiss felt so good that neither one of them noticed the entrance of another person in the dressing room. 

A throat cleared, which made Louis and Harry break apart immediately.  Louis looked where the sound came from to see Niall standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. "I came to see if you were okay" Niall's Irish accents came out strong. "Obliviously, I have nothing to worry about. It looks like Harry took care of you." That statement made Louis blush a shade ten times redder than his normal shade. "Welp, if you two are done snogging, we do have a crowd who would love your presence on stage." Oh yeah, he forgot about the show. Reluctantly he got off of Harry and told Niall they'll be out there in a minute.

As soon as Niall left the room, Louis looked at Harry and tried to read his expression. "Come on, love. We got a show to put on." Louis grabbed Harry's hand to pull him up. "Lou, are you sure you're okay?" Harry asked with a furrowed brow. "We don't have to go back out there until you're completely ready." 

"Yes, love. I'm okay" Louis pulled Harry into a hug. "You make everything better." With a final squeeze, Harry mumbled an "okay" and started leading Louis to the stage. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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