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Silence engulfed the two of you as you freeze when Jimin's soft lips meet yours. Your taken aback, and stiffen in his hold as his lips move against yours.

He realizes you're not kissing him back, and slowly pulls away with a sigh.
"I'm sorry, I-"
You come back to your senses, and your chest flushes with warmth and a tingly sensation before you grab him by the collar, slamming your lips back onto his.

His hands roam your body as his lips ravaged yours, enjoying the hints of your peach lipbalm blending into the kiss. His hands stop on the back of your thighs, tapping it softly.

Understanding his gesture, you jump, wrapping your legs around his waist as his arms firmly hold you beneath your thighs.

Your back meets the cold wall with a thud and you pull away with a gasp for air, panting heavily. You gaze down at his silhouette that seemed to stare back up at you longingly.

Running your hands through his hair, you feel your throat begin to tighten and breathing begin to labour.

Damn it.

You push his arms away, opening the door slowly. You squint your eyes as the bright light blinds you. You whisper,
"It's all clear and it's past 3. I think we can go home now."

His silhouette nods, pushing open the door. Your mouth involuntarily begins to water at the sight before you. His shirt was ruffled and his silvery hair disheveled. His lips were swollen red and his eyes were hooded, a swirling infatuation evident as he stared at you.

You nibble on your lower lip as the two of you walk down the hallway, bags slung over your shoulders. Your lips quiver, replaying the steamy moment shared between the two of you in the janitor's closet.

Did Jimin just... kiss me?

Your palms grow sweaty again, as you steal glances of him. His hands were stuffed in his pocket as he stared ahead, expressionless.

How is he not affected by this?

"I'll drop you home."
He says, finally bringing his gaze to yours. Your eyes catch the glint of his Harley Davidson in the parking lot and you smile.

The familiar feeling of cold wind blowing against your face greets you, as you wrap your arms tighter around Jimin's waist.

Your eyes meet his reflection in the mirror, barely catching a glimpse of half his face as your mind begins to wander.

What does this mean for us now? Are we in a relationship?
He hasn't even said anything yet.

Your palms grow sweaty as your face contorts in deep thoughts.

What will I tell Jungkook?
He won't like this at all.
What if he starts hating me even more?

Jimin's strained voice is heard over the wind. You snap your head towards his stiff figure.
He glances at you through the mirror.

"You're c-crushing me again."
You notice your insanely tight grip around his waist and you loosen your hold on him immediately, your face flushing red.

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