Naruto Rants Rant

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Ok, so this is just a little rant about seeing all of these "Naruto Rants" all over wattpad.  

At first, y'know, they were alright. But really people? We don't need 50 different rants saying THE SAME THING. Don't get me wrong, the first rant I read was pretty helpful for me, but the ones that were made later became really rude and offending. The phrase "No offense (or any of its variations)" changes nothing. If you think it's going to offend someone and don't want anyone to get angry or be offended, don't post it! 

You might be all like "Well you posted this! This is offensive to me!" But there's a difference, you see. I, honestly don't care, I posted this to help some people out, and to strike up conversation with people, because to be honest, I'm really bored right now. But back to the point. 

I read this one rant with 70 something points that it covered. One point said something along the lines of "It's a fan fiction! You don't have to follow the plot!" 

But later points would show anger at the change of some small details from the original plot. Like giving girls the sharingan, or making up some next level to the mangekyou sharingan.




But I thought you just said you didn't want a story that followed the plot?! Nothing's good enough! 

Now I understand the anger if someone makes a Mary Sue, but really? Is it that big of a deal that you have to totally go off about it? 

All you have to do is kindly tell the writer. They may not know what a Mary Sue is. They may be new to writing. You might've just crushed someone by ranting to them about the importance of refraining from the production of "Mary Sue" characters. 

It's a fan fiction. This website is for amateurs. This website is for FUN. Don't like it? Don't read it! It's that simple.  

Another thing that bugs me about these "rants" is the way they make the people who read them feel. Everyone's an amateur at one point in time. You were one too, and its unfair of you to put down people's ideas and stuff, despite how horrid some of them are. 

Not everyone's perfect. So calm your tits.  

I felt like I had to post this, to sorta get it off my chest, so I don't know if I'll post some thing else. But thanks for reading! 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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