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Y/n's pov:
"Fuck shit!"I said riding my horse through the dessert chasing a man with a lasso in my hand lassoing it in the air getting at least faster than I was to the guy"come here bitch!" Getting beside him as I lasso him off his horse and get off and go to him and hog tie him "gotcha now dumbass be a bit more sneakier next time!"I said picking him up and putting him on the back of my horse while riding back to the town.

No one's pov:
you lived in a small town with a big number of people and with an amazing job your mayor gave you, you have no relatives you know of

Y/n's pov:
*About 30 minutes past and i arrived at my town getting down off of my horse and grabbing the guy off my horse and bringing him into my office and putting him in the cell by my desk"so are you gonna tell me where the money is or not hoe bag.."I said grabbing a cigarette out of my pocket and a lighter lighting it and breathing it in and puffing it into the guy's face the guy refused to speak"ok then..if you want to do the the hard way we can..if you don't tell me your punishment will end up with my hand on the revolver pointed to your god damn head got it..!"I said picking up my revolver"ok ok please don't it's in the canyon along the left side there should be a cave!"he said shaking and sweating as I put my revolver in my gun holder and I stand up and make sure it's locked "now if your lying I'm blowing up your brains got it.."I said angrily"yes ma'am!"he said anxious as I walked out of my office and locked it and was on my way to the mayor"thank you sheriff for saving us yet again!"all the people said "no problem everyone!"I said walking into a building and walking up the stairs to the mayor's office opening his door"target secured sir"I said tilting my hat"good job sheriff did you find.out where he is hiding the money"he said concerned"yes sir he said in the canyon to the left and there should be a cave"I said "good job do you need anyone to go with you ma'am on your journey"he said worried"no thanks I got this I'm going at night sir for it to be a lot easier"I said "ok good plan ma'am please be safe"he said "I will be sir seeya in a bit"I said as I waved and went out to hear screaming and went to go grab my knife out of my back pocket as I hid and saw one of the people from my town being chocked by an old enemy of mine"jasper!"I said looking him dead in the eye "awwww look at who it is little y/n"he said letting go of the person causing them to run away"omg why don't you just fuck off already bitch!"I said grabbing my gun shooting his tail"just go I don't need this!!"I said pointing the gun to the exit"fuck geez what got you in a bad mood today darlin"he said looking at me"don't call me darling"come on we can make a wager he said smirking at me"what kind of fucking wager bitch.."I said as my eye started to twitch at this"well if you want me to leave your town alone we cold work out with an agreement with an relationship..~"he said stroking my face"I'm never have an a relationship with you and don't fucking touch me!!"I said as I shot his arm and he ran away"this isn't over I'll be back!"he said madly pissed as I ran over to the guy who was chocked"are you ok sir!"I said walking over to him"I'm fine thank you sheriff"he said smiling lightly "your welcome sir"I said walking away into my office.

*A few horse had past and it turned dark at the perfect time the whole town was asleep*
Perfect I said grabbing all the stuff I needed and gathered it and got on my horse and rode out with a revolver in my hand good thing the canyon wasn't far away soon enough I approached it and and went in slowly so I got of my horse and walked on ground and saw the cave on the left no one was there but I still sneakily went to it and grabbed my revolver while heading to it I looked inside no one..I walked in and saw the money I walked slowly but easily and grabbed it and left and put it on the back of my horse and got on my horse and left on my way back I saw a guy stranded with white hair with three people surrounding him I saw him trying to shoot but he had no bullets I got off quietly and shot all three of them in the head"thank you miss I really appreciate that a lot"he said with a big wide smile as I got back on my horse"no problem sir I said grabbing something out of my bag of gathered stuff and gave him the box of bullets for his gun"thank you ma'am"he said tilting his big brown hat and looking at me with his big yellow eyes"no problem sir I'll see you around"I said as I rode bag and got all my stuff in the office and walked back out and put my horse in it's stall and took it's saddle and stuff off and walked back in and played down and fell asleep.
*The next morning*
I woke to hearing a knock on my door it was the mayor"hey y/n did you successfully get the money"he said curious as I grabbed it and came out and gave it to him"here you are sir"I said smiling "before you go back in I want you to meet someone who just came in this morning said hes looking for a sheriff to help him do a bounty of some sort but here"he said walking away as I walked out to see the same man I saw last night the one I helped..
Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter and I'm sorry if it was sorta short but love you guys and next chapter will be very soon!❤️

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