the park! ☺☺☺

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April 10, Park

So, I had school...

How was it you ask? 

FUDGING AWESOME! We got a homework pass! So now I'm about to ride out to where Kiwi and Clover live on my bike. Laurie is gonna walk there. 

Well, Ttyl diary! Gotta go to the park!


The park was pretty fun! We went head first down the slide, played tag, we ate some snacks, when we were tired, we would find shapes in the clouds! We took multiple selfies on Kiwi's phone. I loved the one she took of all four of us drinking lemonade, but Kiwi's glasses were falling in that pic. Well, sadly Macy couldn't come, she had family in town.

But hey?! Family first! 

Now, Laurie and Kiwi are at home, Clover and I are walking to my house to play Miitopia. It's my fave game! Okay?! 

So now we're at my house, in the basement, playing games, snacking, other crap!

I was blushing almost the entire time he was setting his hand on my shoulder, telling me how to beat something, I didn't hear him,but whatever! I beat it eventually. 

Clover never got so close to me, I was sorta spooked! So now I'm in the bathroom, getting some space, writing this, with my sparkly purple pen, in my 2000 page diary. How much more descriptive can I be? Well, I'm nervous as Fish, imma go back downstairs. Stay fresh!

Nervous AF,


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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