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Y/n's POV:
After Maggie hugged me she went to her room
"Dad is she okay?" I asked him
"Umm yeah she's fine" he replied
"okay.." I said
"But are you okay?!" I asked my dad
"I'll be fine" he said rubbing my back
"Okay" I said
I walked over to Carl and hugged him
"Hey" he said hugging me back
"Hi" I said back
"So why did you hug me?" He asked
"I don't know I felt like it" I replied
"Okay" he said pulling away from the hug
"Do you think your dad will let them stay?" I asked
"I don't I guess we just have to wait and see" he said
Soon we all walked out
"I'm Tyresse" he said
"Please let us stay,we will stay out of your way" Sasha said
"No" Rick said
"Please it's too dangers out there" Sasha said
Rick went to Herschel and they started talking soon he looked up to the rail..
"GET OUT,GET OUT" he stated screaming
I looked up and saw nothing
"Rick are you okay?"
"GET OUT" he said again
Carl put me behind him
-Time skips next day-
Ok I think is seeing Ghosts or something because yesterday he just snapped out of nowhere and it's kinda scary tbh...
We were now talking about the governor and a plan but I wasn't really paying attention
All I knew was  them taking about if we were going to stay
"Wait who's on watch?" My dad asked
We all looked around
"I'll go on watch" I said raising my hand
"Okay" Glenn said
"Waittt..."Carl said getting up
"Yeah?" I asked
"Be careful" he said kissing my lips
"Okay I will,bye" I said walking off
"Okay bye" he said sitting back down
I walked outside the sun hitting my face I went into the watch Tower
-time skips-
Someone came up and put their hand on my shoulder which made me jump
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" a familiar voice said I looked over and saw Rick
"It's okay" i said
"I'll take watch with you" he said
"But first come down for there" Rick  said
"Okay" I getting down (don't ask why i did that)
Me and Rick were taking watch at the bottom of the watchtower soon I heard gunshots oh and everyone was outside I looked where it came from and I stared it shoot same with the rest of the group there were gunshots everywhere soon a truck came and put WALKERS in our yard the problem was Herschel in there
"Herschel get out of there" Rick yelled Herschel started shooting and then Glenn came back and luckily the gunshots stopped we let Glenn in him and Herschel got out of  the car we watched as walkers walked around our yard once again...

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