~Chapter 2~

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~Britt's POV~

"Get up you lazy pain in the butt," I hear someone yell as they slam my door closed and jump onto my bed. I feel someone's forearms on both sides of my ears. "Come on Brittney. Today is finally the day we leave. So, get up."

I wearily open my eyes and find myself face-to-face with an extremely serious Matt. Through the serious look his dark brown eyes are sparkling with excitement. His hair is messy and sticking out in many places and he's wearing a dark green button up and khaki shorts. My eyes scan his body up and down as he straddles me and comes so close that our noses are barely touching. "If you don't get up now, I will have to use force."

"Now how do you plan on doing that?" I smirk. I run a few ideas of what he might do, or more like what I want him to do, through my head.

"Like this." He pins my arms above my head with one hand and rests his other hand on my armpit. "I will give you to the count of three or I will tickle you until you can't breathe."

I stick my tongue out. "Are you gonna try me?" he laughs. As soon as he begins to laugh I sit up and quickly lick the side of his face. "That's disgusting!" he groans while I sit back and chuckle.

"Fine, I will get up if you help with my hair." I grab a small blonde piece of hair and start to twirl it around my finger. Matt follows my finger in amusement.

"Okay." He smiles his adorable little crooked smile, content that he finally got me out of bed.

I roll out of bed and slowly walk to pull out my straightener. Then I remember my phone, so I walk back into my room to grab it. Matt is sitting with his legs hanging off the edge of my bed, so I walk over and sit next to him.

I'm begin looking through my text messages when I see Matt shift uncomfortably. I look over at his phone and see him scrolling through pictures with a sad look on his face. I wonder what's up with him. "What's wrong?" I ask him, hearing the concern in my voice.

"I really miss her," he says showing me a picture of his mom. Matthew's mom was a beautiful woman. She had a smile that could light up a room. She died when Matt was 14 and I was 12. Five years later and I still remember every detail about her.

I wrap my arm around him and kiss his cheek. "Matt, I am always here for you. I will never leave you, I promise."

"I love you Britt." He does a great job hiding his uncertainty in his voice. Almost too good.

"I love you too Matt."


an hour later

Matt helps me load all of my luggage into our rental car. We rented a grey impala that had enough trunk space for all of my five bags. We have to stick Matt's two bags in the backseat.

"I can't believe my mom actually agreed to this," I chuckle. Our plan is to take highway 1 all the way down to LA, meet up with some of his old friends, and relax for the last half of summer.

My mom comes out of the house and frantically looks around, making sure we have enough clothes and money to last for the remaining summer. "Speak of the devil," Matt winks at me.

She runs up to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek, then walks over to Matt to give him a hug. "Take care of my baby girl," my mom says with a hint of warning. "I love you both."

"Love you," we both say back. Matt climbs into the drivers seat and I hop into the passengers. The keys click and the engine catches . We pull out of the driveway and I look back through the rearview mirror at my mom, who waves at us until we finally round the corner.

"She will be fine right?" I ask Matt. "Never really have I thought about how hard this probably is for her."

"Of course she will be fine! Don't worry Britt." He rests his hand on my knee and I lean my head back and close my eyes.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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