Search & Rescue

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Once the Normandy was docked; Kaidan, Garrus, Liara, Tali and Vega geared up and boarded the shuttle. They could've gone on foot but with the level of debris, it was a better idea for Cortez to take them as close as possible to the site where Admiral Anderson had been found in the shuttle. It had been nearly 8 hours since the blast and if they had any hope of finding Shepard alive, they had to move quickly. As soon as Cortez found a suitable landing zone, they disembarked the vessel and were greeted by Alliance operatives.

"Major Alenko I presume, and the legendary crew of the Normandy." Said the young officer, trying to disguise the star-struck emotions running through his mind. "Admiral Hackett told us to expect you. I'm to take you to the furthest excavated location. Getting through the rubble is a slow process but any help you can provide is gratefully appreciated."

"Of course, and thank you." Kaidan replied.

As they followed the young man through the rubble, they traversed a long walkway with a circular platform at the far end. All around them was collapsed debris and in the distance, what appeared to be the remains of an energy source.

"Has anyone been over there?" Liara enquired.

"Not yet, we haven't found a safe path and our orders are to search extensively in this area first. We found Admiral Anderson just over there." He indicated to a spot on the ground where a considerable amount of smeared blood could be seen. Cringing away from the sight, it was clear that despite being the Shadow Broker, Liara struggled with the thought of people she cared about suffering. "Besides, this control console appears to have been important to the arming of the Crucible."

"Let us take that area off your hands." Garrus interjected. Liara was about to protest, presumably agreeing they should assist the Alliance officials, but Garrus quickly explained in a hushed tone. "The force of the Crucible blast would have taken a tremendous power source. Or more precisely, the destruction of a tremendous power source. This console may have initiated the device but if Shepard is anywhere, she's over there. I'd bet my life on it." He said.

At that, Kaidan was gone, moving as quickly as he could through the debris. He briefly heard Vega offer to stay and assist the Alliance officers search while Garrus, Tali and Liara followed quickly behind him. Scrabbling over piles of rubble, not even considering the dangers, it didn't take long for Kaidan to reach the remains of the power source. As he hauled himself up onto the platform, Kaidan froze. Before him everything was blackened and broken and lying amongst the destruction was a body. Her size and curves instantly familiar, as were the wisps of auburn hair covering her bloodied face. As Garrus and Tali reached the platform and beheld the same sight, Tali gasped and threw her arms around Garrus, sobbing. Despite flinching at a pool of dried blood just moments ago, it was Liara that continued to move forward towards the body. She could be strong when she had to be, and right now, she had to be. Kaidan locked his gaze on Liara, only able to watch as she crouched down and gently pushed the hair away, revealing Paige's face. Kaidan could feel tears welling as he assessed the wounds she'd sustained. Her arms were covered in blood, there was a deep gash on her forehead and bruises covered her face and neck. There was also blood on her side, indicating she likely had a piercing wound around her abdomen. Slowly, Liara ran her omni-tool over Shepard. Kaidan wanted to turn away but he couldn't tear his eyes away. A second later, he saw Liara flinch, and check the reading from her omni-tool again. Then with urgency, she pressed her ear to Shepard's chest and grabbed her wrist before turning to her friends.

"She's alive!" She exclaimed in utter disbelief. The moment Liara's words registered, Kaidan's body re-engaged and he darted beside her while Garrus and Tali looked on in shock.

"We need to get help." Tali cried.

"Can I move her?" Kaidan demanded, already slipping his arms beneath Shepard's shoulders and knees.

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