Ch 4 || I'll come back

554 11 1

Monday February 23, 2015
7:07 am

I woke up with the sun light peaking through the curtens. I stretched out my arm expecting to feel Shawn's warm body. But I felt cold sheets. I quickly sat up looking around the room. He's gone.

I rubbed my eyes, and slowly laid back down so I was looking at the ceiling. A smile grew on my face remembering everything that happen last night.

We didn't kiss or anything but just the fact that he tagged along and that we spend some time together was all I could as for. I looked at my small digital clock. 7:07 am. I still had a lot of time to get ready since school starts at 7:40

I got up from my bed and graved clean close and got ready for school. I didn't wan't to miss Lia and her knew hair due.

I walked slowly down stairs and a smell of bacon hits my face. I look around the kitchen and spot my mother making food. She tunrs around and sees me. "oh hey Andrea, I made some brakefast...Help yourself." She says with a smlie. I could not believe my eyes my mother was home.

She hasnt been home for three weeks. I ran to her and gave her a big hug. "Hey pumkin don't for get about me." I heard a deep voice say I knew that voice anywhere.

"Daddy?!" I yelled and gave him an even bigger hug. My parents are home?

I was quite surprised. My mother and fauther where never home let alone cook. I grabbed a plate and sat down next to my brother Matty . He looked up at me and didn't say a word. "Well I hope you too have a good day."

"Your not goint to eat with us?" I asked.

"Andrea im sorry we have a lot of things to do in the office."

"But I thought-"

"Honey where going to be late." My dad whispered in Her ear.

"Im sorry dear. Maybe next time?" and with that they both ran out the door. I pushed myself back on my chair and let out a sigh.

"I knew not to get my hopes up." Matty said. I looked up at him and notice he was angry . Matty is 14 years old. We where close. I looked after him he was my baby brother. His dirtty blonde hair was messy and he looked tired.

"Come on matt lets go we don't want to be late." I said grabbing my bag from the table and heading out the door.

The drive to school was quiet like always. We walked into the big door of a place that looked like hell called high school. We walked past the princibales office and I clenched my jaw.

"Good morning Matty how are you this morning."

"Morning Mr.Deven" Matt said with a bright smile.

"Andrea." He says bluntly . Of cores if you havent noticed Matty's the favorite he has good grade and he volunteers in everything he can. And he's really smart.

Matty's the favorite always has always will. "Alright, so ill see you after school?" He nodded and headed to his class while I head to my locker. Lia's locker was infront of mine so it was easy to spy.

I feelt a tap on my sholder and I truned around and see Cameron. 'Grate just who I wanted to see' I saw his face it was a little purple.

"What happen to your face?" I asked trying to keep my laugh in.

"This ass at the party last night just wanted to pick a fight but I beat his ass though." I laughed a little at how he was trying to make a lie of it. I knew the truth he probably slipped on the oil that I spilled on his flor at home.

"Hey Andrea I missed you at the party did you not go or-?"

"I missed you too." I said playing along. He nodded his head and put his arm on my lower back.

"Want to know what I missed more?" He said with a smeark on his face. Is he really kiding me! He cheats on me and than plays it off like its nothing. Wow how could I be so stupid to fall in love with him.

"What?" I asked annoyed but still playing along.

"Your lips" He said leaning in I played alone and pretented to kiss back but quickly pulled back and slapped him. 'Ohhh' And stupid comment where being made. He held his face while I yelled at him.

"Do you really think Im that stupid because if you do than you dont know what Im capable of, So you better find your way out of my life or I will make yours a living hell." The bell rang and people started to go to first period. "You better hurry up you dont want to be late." I said with a smirk on my face.

I was pround and confedent for once. I turned my back and I see lia wearing a gray hoodie over her head. She was opening her locker. And one thing led to the other my plan worked. She looked over to me and gave me a hurt look. All I did was give her my favorite finger and walked down to my class.

I walked in and was greated by my stupid teacher who just likes to bitch about everything. "Andrea your late." She said walking over to me.

"You should be happy that i at least i came." I said taking my seat. She sigh and got to the font of the room

The bellfinaly rings and everyone gets up with their things and head to their next class. After the long dreadful hours of sitting in a class and not giving a fuck school was finaly over. All day I was thinking abut Shawn I couldnt get him out of my head. I had to talk to him.

I walked to my locker and get my things and I hear people laughing. I turn around and see Cameron and Lia laughing and sucking face. Every bit of anger bulit up inside of me I couldnt handle it anymore. Tears ran down my face and I ran into the girls bathroom thank God no one was in there. I go to the sink and look at myself in the mirror i couldn't stop crying I let everything out. Everything I kept in side I let it all out.

It was till the point that I was on the ground. I heard someone open the door and ran to me. "Andrea!?" I heard a deep soft voice. "Andrea." He said holding my arm and he saw the scar. I pulled my arm away scared he seen. "Andrea?" He said now a whisper there where tears in his eyes. "Oh my God Andrea please dont tell me you cut?"

"Shawn" I whisper "Stop please" I said pulling away from his grip and running out of the girls bathroom. I walked to my locker and grabbed my things and walked to my car. "Shawn please go away" I said getting out my car keys.

"Andrea please let my just help-"

"Really if you want to help than tell me this. Why arent you like everyone els! Why dont you want me for my money or sex and 'popularity' like everyone els!"


"No really Shawn tell me because I would love to know." He didn't say anything "Okay" I said nodding my head.

"Oh and if you care I'm leaving." I said with zero emotion.
"What do you mean leaving where are you going?"
"I need time to myself my head is just spinning I need to get away."
I unlocked the car and got it and put in my seat belt while Shawn took in what I just said. I started the car and he got in front of it.

"Shawn what the fuck!?"
"Why are you leaving" he said with both hands on the hood of my car. I rolled my eyes.

I backed up and and hit the gas. "Don't worry I'll be come back."

To be continued...

Good Boy Bad Girl \\ Shawn MendesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora