"You think thats a punishment?"

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(A/n Also like I just noticed that he was in London before coming to Wellton and I already finished writing this soooo...just roll with it <3)

Warnings (Language)
Y/n pov

"Say goodbye and start packing!" My dad yelled smiling as he threw a briefcase at my feet. I gave him a smile and picked up the large black case. I watched as he retreated into his room carrying an identical briefcase.
                 Oh shit a time skip

Five briefcases later and I was finally done packing. It was hard to pack actually, seeing as I would be there a whole year but had uniforms waiting for me at my dorm. I looked at the time on my watch, it read 10:54. I exhaled a sigh of relief as I looked at the briefcases lined up beside my door. I heard a knock come from the other side of it. "Come in!" I yelled. "Hello dear, I see your finished packing." My dad said staring at my luggage. I nodded back in response even though it wasn't a question. "I imagined you would be shaking in your boots, and you are!" He said laughing. "I'm more nervous than scared." I admitted "It is a new school. New people." I said hesitating for a moment. "I mean not one female throughout the whole school. Thats..." "Terrifying! Yes I imagine it would be...but you'll have me! And your own private dorm with an included bathroom! Not everyone has the pleasure of having their own dorms AND a private bathroom." My dad said trying to make me feel better. "Yeah I guess that's a plus." I said smiling. Privacy wasn't really an issue at home since dad always knocked on doors before entering, and always asked if I needed alone time for a while. But now at a boarding school specifically for boys it mattered a whole lot more. "Alright well make sure you have everything you need. I don't have much room for a toothbrush so I imagine you'd be perfectly fine with me sharing yours?" He asked looking at his nails innocently. "Hmmmmm let me think about it..." I said pondering "No." He put his hand over his heart and acted upset "I'm hurt!" He said with a frown. "I'm your father! We share the same DNA...I should be able to borrow your toothbrush without even asking!" "Oh of course I'm sorry! Yes you may borrow my toothbrush WHENEVER you need it!" I said smiling. "Perfect do be expecting a time slot for when you can use it!" He said beginning to leave my room. "Oh yes I wouldn't dream of not having separate time slots!" I shouted

About an hour later I was going to bed and saw a note slip under my door. 'We leave at 9 in the morning, get some sleep bug. Love dad <3' with a heart drawn on the end, I smiled at the note and went to bed.

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door, groaning once I remembered what we were doing today. I promptly got up as the knocking didn't cease and only got louder if anything. "Yes?" I asked "Oh good you're awake. It's 8:15 why don't you get ready while I take your bags to the car." He said not even waiting for me to answer, picking up my bags. "Well pip pip and tally O my good fellow!" He said in a British accent. (A/n If you know where I got that from I love you!) I laughed at his anticipation and went to go get ready.


It was now 8:45 and everything was done and ready. Right? I asked myself for what seemed like the 8th time. I picked up my worn out check list that I had made last night. The poor thing had markings and scribbles  all over it. I was currently standing outside going through the bags like a paranoid weirdo. “You know dear, I think you have everything.” Dad said. “Well I know but it never hurts to check.” “12 times?”He asked “Oh well...I just want to be prepared. I don't want you to drive back all the way home just for some pants.” “Y/n? You have everything trust me I checked. Three times actually! So you’re fine, besides I don’t mind driving a few hours for some very special pants.” I laughed and closed the trunk, then jumped into the front seat of the car immediately feeling better. A few hours later we pulled into the long gravel driveway, and there it stood Wellton, in all its glory. We got there a bit earlier than expected from the lack of traffic, it was about 10:30 now. The actual initiation thing was at 3 and dad wanted me to help him set up his classroom before unpacking. We parked and got out of the car, we picked up some boxes from the back seat and began carrying them in. His classroom was on the third floor so it was a bit of a hike especially since we would have to stop and ask directions since neither of us can listen. (A/n I don't actually know what floor it's on and just for further notice I know nothing about what the school looks like and plus I’m writing this in school so I can’t really go look now. My teacher thinks I’m writing a story for Health...well I am writing a story but anyways-) After wandering around for a bit we finally found the classroom. On a gold plaque it said Mr.Keating Room 314. “Alright the big reveal!” Dad said excitedly. He opened up the door and we were met with a dull classroom with dust piling up on all surfaces. “Nasty” I said with disgust. “Well I saw a Janitors closet a few doors down...Mind if you go raid it dear?” Dad asked looking at me with hope in his eyes. “Sure..hopefully they have some scented candles or incense to get rid of that smell..” I said walking out. I started walking down the hall mindlessly playing with the rings on my fingers. I ended up bumping into a tall boy with dirt blonde hair, he seemed pretty shy, huh that makes two of us. “I’m sorry I wasn't paying attention.” I said sincerely “Uh n-no it’s okay.” He responded leaving in a rush. I smiled upon hearing him mutter “I thought this was an all boy school..Am I in the wrong place?” I continued my journey to the end of the hall. I saw the closet and opened it up grabbing a duster, rags, a bucket, and a mop. It was a lot to carry. Shit. I turned around only to bump into the boy again. Fuck this really was a way to make an impression. “I’m so sorry! Um it’s just that..Is this Wellton?” The boy asked worried. “Yes it is, and it’s okay its partially my fault too.” I said smiling. The boy smiled back and I stuck out my right hand. “I’m Y/n, Y/n Keating my dad is the new english teacher hence why I’m here.” “Todd Anderson it’s nice to meet you.” “You too-” “Y/n where did you go!?” My dad yelled. “Oh um well it was nice meeting you! I’m glad I’ll have a familiar face in school.” I said with glee “Yeah me too. Um did you want some help carrying those? It’s just that I don’t want you to make multiple trips. But if you don't want any help that’s fine too, it’s none of my business anyway! I should probably just go m-my parents are waiting for me.” “Oh well actually I would love some help if you’re still offering?” “Oh, yes of course!” He said smiling. “Great, here you can carry the bucket and mop.” I said handing him the items. 

(A/n I just have WAP stuck in my head now *dance emoji*) He awkwardly took them and I took the lead and began walking down to my dad's class. I softly kicked open the door and set down the rags and duster on a student’s desk. Todd came in behind me and put down the mop so it would lean against the wall, then he placed the bucket next to the mop. “Thank you Todd I appreciate it.” I said, smiling at the timid boy. He smiled back and said “N-no problem Y/n.” Of course that's when my dad decided to make an entrance and pop in from the back room. “And who's this Y/N?” He asked, smiling cheekily. “Dad this is Todd Anderson, he helped me carry some stuff from the janitor's closet.” “Oh how nice! Well thank you for bringing her back Mr. Todd Anderson!” “Of course sir.” Todd replied quickly then looking down rather submissively (A/n I didn’t know what else to say don’t yell at me…) “Uh huh tell me Mr. Anderson what year are you in?” Dad asked. “Um I’m going into my 7th year sir.” He replied. “Todd! Todd, where are you?!” Yelled an unfamiliar voice. Todd seemed to perk up quite quickly and yelled back in a soft manner so as not to get yelled at. “C-coming mother!” Todd turned back to my dad and I, “Sorry I have to go...It was nice meeting both of you.” It was nice meeting you as well Todd.” I said grinning. “Good bye Todd I do look forward to seeing you in class!” My dad replied, smiling like an idiot. Todd smiled back before leaving in a hurry. “Dad this is Todd Anderson, he helped me carry some stuff from the janitor's closet!” Dad said mimicking me in a girly voice. I scoffed “Shut up, you just think you're so funny huh?” He started laughing “ Just for that comment you’re gonna be sitting next to him all year.” “You think that's a punishment?” I said smirking, picking up the duster I started cleaning off all the cobwebs collecting on the shelves. All you could hear on the third floor was John Keatings laugh echoing through the halls. 

Hope everything makes sense cause I didn't proof read it anyways love you lots later Losers -Nat💚

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