Chapter 1

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Aiden: Guh! my damn head.

I held my head and looked around. Nothing put darkness. Damn it! I just wanna go home back to my parents. Watch some Star Wars. 

Aiden: Sigh~ Let me out of here damn it!!!

A sudden flash happens and now I'm somewhere else everything is white now. With a man sitting on a throne. 

???: Hello there child.

Aiden: Where am I and who are you?

???: Who I am? Well I guess you can call me god. As for where you are. Well you are dead.

Aiden: And how did I die?...

God:: Hmm you died saving a man from being shot. You took the bullet for him and fought against the gun man and won. The man you saved went on to inspire his children with your story and they went on to help a lot of people.

Aiden: I see... Then can I go to heaven then?

God: Are you sure? I can reincarnate you any where of your choose.

Aiden: ...Can I go to Star Wars.

God: *Smiles* Oh? Sure. Now you get 4 wishes.

Aiden: Yes!!! Alright. 1st I wish to be both my sith characters from SWTOR. 2nd I wish bring Jaesa  with me. 3rd I wish for a fleet of the empire star destroyers along with 1st order troops ect. 4th I wish to be set about 2 years before the 1st movie.

God: Going Sith are we?

Aiden: Well yeah. I think it would be boring going jedi. 

God: well if you are not going to be a Jedi I will send another. Think of them as your rival.

Aiden: Let me guess he'll be sent to Theed?


Aiden: Sigh~ Thought so. Very well. I wont mess with him until the invasion starts. 

God: You can do what you want. You know that right? 

Aiden: Yeah but that would be no fun.

God: Sigh~ Alright.

With a flash I was gone. I woke up on a bed. and a flash of memories of my fighting the eternal empire, fighting Zash, and Baras. I get up and take a shower and go through my memories. I also feel the force and it answers back like it was happy seeing me again. I get dressed in black robes and clip my lightsaber to my belt. I walk out and see my troops and the saulte as I nod to them and they continue on. I walk on to the bridge and see the admiral.

???: Ahh my lord. *Bows*

Aiden: Rise Kira. Tell me about the galaxy.

Kira: Very w- 

???: My lord~

I raise an eye brow and turn to look and see Jaesa skipping my way. She comes up and kisses me.

Jaesa: Good morning my Lord~

Aiden: Good morning Jaesa. Now Kira continue.

Kira: Very well. The republic controls pretty much all inner and middle worlds. The outer worlds are all left to fend for themselves. The Sith are pretty much extinct. The Jedi have all grown weak.

Aiden: Typical. 

All the sudden I feel like the force is wants me to go some where. I get a vision and it looks like Tatooine Mos Eisley. I see two kids a girl with black hair with a few strans of white hair. Plus a boy that looks like a young Galen Marek.

Aiden: Jaesa, take 4 star destroyers and goto Endor. Have a base built there. Kira when Jaesa leaves set course to Tatooine. 

Jaesa: Endor?! Why can't I stay with you?

Aiden: Because the force seems to want me to pick up two apprentices. 

Jaesa: Hmph. Whatever.

She turns to walk away but I grab her wrist and pull her into a hug and lean into her ear.

Aiden: How about when we meet again you give me an heir to our empire my love~

Jaesa shivers and nods franticly. I let her go and see her in a daze walking away. I laugh a bit and turn to see Kira blushing. We wait and see that Jaesa has left and we head to Tatooine. Within a few hours we make it to Tatooine. I instantly feel 3 presences. One obviously Anakin, but that wasn't the two that was calling out to me. I put together a squad of 10 troopers to go with me. We land at the port in Mos Eisley. I pay the fee and walk to where I'm feeling the two, and what do you know they are being sold as slaves. 

Man1: What can I do for you.

Aiden: I want to buy 2 salves. 

The man looks at me seemingly judging me. Then agrees and leads me to the back. He shows me a bunch but I denied them I feel that we are getting close to the two. When we walk a bit further ahead I see the two and walk in front of them. I look at them and the look straight at me.

Aiden: How much for these 2?

Man1: These two hmm.... 50,000 credits.

Aiden: Fine... 

I paid theme and he frees them and hands me the bomb tags. We walk out and head for my ship and board. The two children are sitting in a corner by themselves. I walk over to them and crouch down to them.

Aiden: What are your names.

???: ...Galen...

???: ...Tonya... Mister are you going to hurt us...

Aiden: ...Galen and Tonya... No i'm not going to hurt you. Tell me do you want power? Power to make sure that you never turn into slaves again? Power to be able to help the ones that are slaves, the power to end slavers so no one has to go through what you did?

Galen/Tonya: Yes...

Aiden: Then I will teach you both. You both will be my students. I am Darth Sros. You can call my My lord, Master or Sros. 

They look at each other and nod and stand up and bowed to me.

G/T: Thank you for this opportunity my lord! 

Aiden: *Smiles* Of course.

We land on the star destroyer and I told the solders to take the two to their rooms. I walk up to the bridge and tell Kira to head to Endor. This will be the start of my empire and I will conquer this galaxy and leave everything to my children later on.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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