The begining

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I walk the streets the air smelts dirty, polluted with beer and drugs. Where am I, if you guessed the bad side of Walsenburg, Colorado you got it right. Then again there is no bad side, it's just altogether evil. Why am I here: simple, the orphanage I help is in this town, most of the kids live there, Ann, the woman I work for has me going to get food.

"Hello, babe, you need some where to stay?" A drunk looking older man asked with out question I kick him where it hurts did a round house to his head and throw his head against the concrete wall. He grunts and falls to the ground, I turn away and put a hand on my chin,

"Now where was I oh, yes, food," I told myself then I turn and slowly walk away from the ally leaving the man.

As I run back home I see two men walking around looking lost, they see me and walk up,

"I'm so sorry to bother you but my name is Charles, this is Erik, we were wondering if you could tell us where the orphanage is?" the man asked sweetly, with a little bit of British in his voice, he has brown curly hair and shy blue eyes, he's not very tanned but is in good shape,

"oh, yes that is where I'm headed, you can fallow me if you like, my name is Rezme," I said, "I would shake your hand but I'm kind of full," My arms and hands full with food of all kinds, Charles steps up and takes some saying they might as well help.

I didn't say it but I'm glab that I ran into them and they are with me now, I hate being alone. Erik and Charles talk to me telling me about England and how it's beautiful, When we come in the children take the bags.

"Wow, I wish I lived there, even with the possible war happening, Ann doesn't really need me here, she just gives me a few tasks so I don't feel useless, also to where I can stay here," I say thinking, I don't know why I told them that but Charles just makes me feel safe, and calm, like I could tell him anything.

"You could, If you come with Erik and I you could even help stop the war, with your abilities," Charles comments I jump,

"How do you?" I can read you mind, someone said in my head, I gasped holding my head,

"please, don't do that," I almost shouted, "sorry, I just, the last time someone did that they were not very nice, but let me sleep on your offer," They nod understanding then said they had to get to the inn.

Once they left I'm caught by Ann,

"Who were they, what do they want and did they hurt you?" she asked, when ever I'm seen with some one she asked these three questions, if you give a good answer she doesn't ask anymore unless you tell her.

"Charles, Erik, they want me to come to England with them to help stop a war, and no," I replay That's what is so cool about Ann, she knows about my abilities, but accepted me and helps me control them.

"Oh, are you going?" she asked I don't look at her,

"Ann I just met them and they know about my powers and Charles in a mind reader?" I said rubbing my neck, Ann looks at me in shock but then sighs and drops her head, she was there when the mind reader came. Blonde hair and blue eyes with white clothing and pale skin, she was saying that an evolution was coming and I needed to be apart of it. When I refused she attacked then dove into my mind and showed me my worst nightmares trying to get me to go with her.

"I know you're scared but I've heard of a Charles in England, he is a specialist in what would most likely be about you." Ann says touching my hand, I sigh looking down, "Just look him up, then make your decision." she says, I nod then go to my room and lay on my bed, I open up my laptop looking up his name I find many thesis that he has made. I study all of his theories then pack my bags.

The next morning I say goodbye to everyone and run to the only inn in town, as I run around the corner I see Charles and Erik. They are loading what looks like their last bag,

"Wait!" I yell they look back at me, "I'm coming with you," I shout they smile Charles hugs me and gets in the car, Erik just nods fallowing he has slicked back brown hair with a cow lick and brown eyes but has tanned skin and is very fit, I take a beep breath and go in the back seat. After about two hours of driving and talking about what all has happened I find out that I am the last "Mutant" they are picking up, also that they are all untrained and one was in solitary confinement, "Great," I say Charles laughs.

At one point I fall asleep I wake when Erik opens the door and I fall on the concrete, my waist length sandy blonde hair is all around me. I start getting up and glare at him coldly with my blazing pink eyes my tan skin showing how much I'm outside.

"My goodness, Erik! She was sleeping!" I hear a girl yell,

"Well she should wake up," Erik replies calmly,

"I have decide I don't like you," I say sitting up Erik chuckles walking away, just then a pretty girl with blonde hair and blue eyes runs up and helps me stand,

"I'm Raven, nice to meet you," she says smiling, I smile back,

"Rezme, you too," Some other people walk up smiling,

"Come on, we'll show you around," Raven comments then introduces me to the rest of the group.

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