Chapter 3

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Sorry if this chapter isn't good I'm just busy and trying to start y'all off with something so y'all don't have to wait but yea .
ONE MORE DAY TILL SPRING BREAK YAY!! I may be updating way more now well comment & vote
Byeee enjoy


Hazel's POV:
As I walk in the girls bathroom I look in the mirror at myself I chuckle and lean on the sink

"I really need to stop getting myself worked up" I say under my breath

I take out my phone to text Cherish back when I send her a message I go on instagram and see that the boy who still remains nameless to me liked my pic I smirk as I hear the bell ring I walk out the bathroom and go to my locker and open it

I need to put some stuff in here it looks plane.

As I get my geometry book my locker slams shut in front of me to meet the faces of four girls not to mention they look like they just came off their shift from the strip club

"Are you the one that was walking with my boyfriend" She says in a rude way her voice being high pitched and aggravating

"Technically HE was walking with ME" I say looking amused at her madness

"Well I don't care how it went down don't be walking with my boyfriend he is off limits " she says shooting death glares at me

I see the boy from earlier and roll my eyes he glances at me and smirks and the girl follows my stare

"And you're eyeing him down right in my face!"

"Nobody is eyeing anybody calm your tits?" I say in annoyance, she is really wasting my time like I have classes to go to

"You stay away from him " she says pointing to the boy

"Cause he is mine" She says with venom dripping from each word but it doesn't faze me

I look at her and start busting out laughing "You seriously t-think I want him" I say stuttering because of my uncontrollable laughing I finally contain my laughter wiping an imaginary tear and snickering a little

"Sorry but you have it all wrong if anything I can't stand him and it's only been a day you can have that cocky mop head disgusting thing I don't care" I start walking away then turn around.

"And one more thing you might wanna pull down your skirt cause I'm pretty sure no one wants to be invited in any of your business down there " I smirk and turn arround to start walking to my class but I pass whatever the fuck his name is

"You might wanna keep your little thing over there in check" I chuckle with a wink patting him on the chest continuing on to my class

Wait did I seriously just say all that!!

I get to class and sit in the back and more kids start to shuffle in sitting down before the final bell rings for 2nd period

The teacher stands up she has pretty long jet black hair that falls past her waist beach tan color hazel Brown eyes, glasses, and a good taste in clothing unlike these other old unfashionable teachers

"Well class since its the first day I'm going to let y'all chill for today but don't get too crazy and loud and by the way my name is Ms. Lopez "

I smile

This is going to be one fun class

I take out my phone and put my music on first song 'Baby I' by Ariana Grande I hum along to the song quietly but my zone is soon  interrupted by a flying paper ball bouncing off of the top of my head

"What the-" I look over to see the girl from the hallway earlier today I pick up the paper ball and stare at her with a smirk

"How mature throwing a paper ball" I start to toss it up and down catching it each time

She giggles

"I don't know what your talking about" The rest of her tag alongs laugh

I throw it back at her with all my body strength going to my arm and it hits her in her left eye

Wow I guess being a pitcher in 5th grade really paid off

"Ow! you dumb bitch" She says her hand rubbing her left eye

"Sorry but last time I checked I'm not a female dog " I smirk

"Well you sure look like one " She hisses hatred clear in her voice
"You should really get your head out your ass" she says while her hand was still covering her eye

"Oh indeed I will but after you stop sucking Dick" I say and chuckle

"What did you just say" She says snapping her head towards me

"Oh I think you heard me the first time darling" I wink then laugh while putting my headphones in and turning my volume all the way up so I won't hear this bitches aggravating voice anymore I get lost in a world of music capturing my own thoughts in mind

Short chapter I know but I will be updating alote and yea make sure YOU COMMENT VOTE AND STUFF also follow me and if u have any ideas on what these girls names should be hmu byeeesss


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