Golf club |Fluff

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"Oh come on Sarah, why can't we just go swimming or go see a movie?" You whined.

"Believe me, Y/N, I would do anything else that go golfing right now but we have no choice... who knows.. we might end up having a lot of fun" She replied.

You hated golfing, but you where also really good at it. Even though you thought it was really boring, you always found pleasure in beating the Cameron family every time you played, I guess you where slowly starting
to enjoy it.

"Y/N, Sarah! Come on we're leaving now" Ward shouted from downstairs.

"Coming!" Sarah replied.

You groaned standing up out of the bed, Rafe walked past Sarah's bedroom, the door was open so he looked in and smirked seeing you. You then glared at him and flipped him off.

You where now in Wards jeep, Sarah in the passenger seat and you and Rafe in the back. Rose decided not to come, she wasn't in the mood for golfing today, she rarely was. If you got the chance to not go golfing... if you where aloud... you one hundred percent would have.

Ward and Sarah where too busy talking, and you felt an arm wrap around your waist and pulling you closer, you shot your head around saw Rafe smirking at you, You rolled your eyes, chuckling and moved his arm off you.

You both have a thing for each other, the past few months you've been sneaking out, doing things, but you kept it secret, everyone thought you didn't like each other but it was really the exact opposite.


You've been golfing for over a half an hour now, you where at the seventh hole, Ward and Sarah where ahead of you and Rafe, You kind of helped them out with a couple of shots.. seeing as you where the best at golf between the Cameron family.

You where just about to take the shot.. your feet where lined up perfectly and you where about to swing, until you felt two hands grip your waist.

"You could do better with lining up the shot" Rafe whispered into your ear, pulling you closer to him.

"I actually have it lined up perfectly, thanks" You replied.

You swung the golf club, Rafes hands still placed on your waist. You put your hand over your eyes to try and see where the golf ball went through the sun.

"First time for everything" Rafe said with a smirk.

Your golf ball went straight into the trees, right where you least expected it to be.

You groaned and climbed into the golf cart sitting beside Rafe.

"That's the first and the only bad shot that I will take today" You said.

"Probably a few more" You heard Rafe say under his breath causing you to lightly hit the side of his arm while laughing.

Rafe stopped the golf cart in front of the trees and you climbed out. You walked into the forest walking over to the area where you thought you saw your ball go into, maybe you might be able to hit it into the green from here,but you're not going to loose this game.

"I found it, I found it!" You shouted to Rafe with a sense of joy in your tone causing Rafe to laugh.

You bent down to pick up the golf ball and you got it in your hand, but you felt Rafe pick you up so you where now facing him and he was holding you up by your ass.

You held up the golf ball "Got it" You said smirking.

He took the golf ball and dropped it to the floor "The golf ball can wait" He said and pushed your neck into him pulling you into a kiss.

The kiss got heated quickly, Rafe pushed you up against the tree and you let out a quite moan. Your tongues fought for dominance until Rafe won, his tongue started to explore your mouth and squeezing your ass during the process. You tugged at his hair making him groan into the kiss. You both pulled out of the kiss to catch some air.

"I'm beating the shit out of you at golf" You said.

"Not at this though" He replied.

"We'll see" You said smirking.

You both went back into the kiss and your tongues fought for dominance again but this time you won, your tongue exploring his mouth and tugging at his hair.

You pulled out of the kiss desperate to breathe, you where heavy breathing and looked him in the eyes.

"We should probably get back to golfing" You said laughing while putting your head back against the tree.

"I'll beat your ass" He said.

"Who's winning by 15 points?" You asked smiling.

He smiled at you and let you down, you started to walk out of the forest, Rafe behind you, He bent down the tiniest of bits and smacked your ass making you laugh.

You climbed into the golf cart and drove up to Ward and Sarah.

"Where were you guys?" Sarah asked.

"Oh just looking for Y/Ns golf ball" Rafe replied.

"We found it too" You finished.

"And you didn't hit it?" Ward said.

"It was uh... covered in grass" You said.

"But you hit the golf ball like that before?" Ward said. 

"Decided I might give you guys a chance at winning ... well a very low chance" You said sarcastically while smirking.

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