For nomoremissnicegirl

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This one is for: @nomoremissnicegirl I hope you enjoy.

We trudged through the house together. Being a able to say that word, together, made me feel warm. We arrived at the bathroom and I humbly bowed, gesturing at the portal*.
"You can go first, m'lady."
Midnight smiled, a small blush creeping across her cheeks.
"You're cute, but, uh, I was wondering if we could, um, shower together?"
There was that word again. I smirked at her.
"Are you implying anything?"
Her blush deepened.
"Shut up." Midnight mumbled, though the smile never left her lips.
She took my hand in hers once more and tugged me into the bathroom. I closed the door behind us.
It didn't take long to discard our clothes in a near pile on the bathroom floor. The bathroom was beginning to steam up from the hot water. We had started washing ourselves down, but had somehow ended up kissing. I felt Midnight's knee brush against my thigh, a finger trace my neck. I let out a soft moan, which was muffled by our kiss. I was beginning to feel a nagging voice in the back of my head that was telling me I should be worried about the, uh, problem, between my legs. I tried to gently pull away, and managed it. Midnight looked up at my face.
"Is something wrong?"
I swallowed, my gaze flicking downwards and back up quickly, but not quickly enough. Midnights gaze slid from my face, lowering. Then blush on her face from the heat got redder.
"Yeeeeeah." I put a hand on the back of my neck. "Sorry."
"Don't be sorry," Midnight chided. "It's a natural response. Plus, I'm kind of flattered. I don't usually have that kind of effect on, well, anyone."
In that moment, I made a decision. We were ready. I could see it in her eyes, the flush on her face. The way her beautiful body was angled.
"Only for you." I responded huskily, leaning down to kiss her neck. Her moan was so soft I almost couldn't hear it. I cautiously let one of my hands slide down to one of Midnight's breasts. Her cute, sharp intake of breath was a good sign. I let my hand linger for a moment on the supple mound, which had caused this whole situation in the first places, all this because they had been pressed against my chest. Then again they are very soft. Oh right, where was I?
I let my hand slowly drift downwards, caressing her flesh as I went. Lower and lower, heading slowly to the southern-most spot. I hit an area that felt different than the rest. The gasp Midnight let out, so different than the ones that had come before. I knew I had found it. My fingers danced around carefully, absorbing the feeling of the moist folds.
"Tooom." Midnight groaned.
"You ready?" I whispered in her ear.
"As I'll ever be."
She turned so she was facing the wall, her luscious rump facing me. I ran a hand over it before positioning myself at her entrance.
"Go." She murmured.
I pushed in, showering her back with kisses as I waited for her to adjust. When her hips started to rock, I started slowly moving. Back and forth. My hands gripped her hips, thrusting carefully, but quickly into her. Before long, Midnight let out her loudest moan followed by a cry of my name, right as I felt her tighten around me. That was the last straw. With a guttural growl, I released myself into her. We stood their, my arms now wrapped around her middle, attempting to stand straight. I'm not sure how long we stood there, but eventually Midnight spoke.
"I think we should actually wash up now."
I chuckled, grabbing the soap.

*portal: a doorway, gate or opening.

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