The Secret Blinding Disease, Glaucoma.

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                The eye is a very crucial component of the human body. Ophthalmologist around the world have created several awareness on eye health, owing to its importance in the lives of humans and even all organisms. It is widely said that the eye is window to the soul, losing such a sense organ and one’s vision sight won’t be pleasant at all. The eye is an organ that detects light and send signals along the optic nerve to the brain. This underscores the fact that a defect in the eye of an individual disrupts some degree of operations of the brain. Current statistics indicate that even a minimal eye damage can affect memory and thinking declines. Glaucoma is one of the eye diseases that affects the optic nerve of the eye, popularly known as the “silent blinding disease” or “the sneak thief of sight,” it is a disease that affects an individual’s optic nerve. The nickname given to Glaucoma is a title in the right path, as this is a disorder that stealthily affect one’s organ of vision, and gradually worsens over time when treatment is not offered. Glaucoma is known to be the second leading cause of partial blindness and to the extreme blindness if not detected and treated. Although glaucoma is known to be the second leading cause of blindness, awareness of this disease is very abysmal, especially in Africa and the world at large. One thing an individual must note is that once damage is caused to the eye, it cannot be reversed and hence the need to create awareness of the eye disorder in our part of the world, where eye checkups is only done when there is a visible defect in the eye. As explained, the optic nerve is a very crucial component of the eye, and its health needs to be maintained. The optic nerve is basically a bundle of nerve that sends communications cable between your eyes and the brain, once the optic nerves is affected blind spots are developed in your visual field, this damage is caused due to pressure in the eye of the individual. 

                              Basically, Glaucoma affects the eye’s drainage system. The drainage system of the eye is basically located between the cornea and the iris. Once the drainage channel closes or gets clogged, the iris moves against the cornea, and this blocks the pathway to the drainage system. This blockage prevents the free flow of intraocular fluid and as this fluid builds up, the pressure in the eye is elevated, this resulting pressure created in the eye deteriorates the optic nerve and causes a loss in vision. This explains why it is expedient for an individual to have regular eye checkups at least once a year to know whether his or her pressure in the eye is normal.

                               Studies have shown that there are primarily two main types of Glaucoma. These are the Open Angle and Closed Angle Glaucoma. The Closed angle also known as the Acute angle Glaucoma is an emergency eye disorder that needs surgery by a qualified eye surgeon. It is noted as an emergency eye disorder because if not treated quickly it could lead to permanent loss of vision or blindness. The angle of the trabecular meshwork is blocked, and this increases the pressure in the eye. Resistance between the channel between the iris and the lens prevents the flow of aqueous humor, which is the clear fluid filling the space in front of the eyeball, and as more fluid continues to be made the pressure in the eye increases and this may cause a total damage to the optic nerve. Traumatizing and inflammatory conditions are ways known to make an individual prone to acute angle Glaucoma. Experts have shown that the use of eye drops, antidepressants as well as watching television in dim light can trigger acute Glaucoma in an already affected patient. Also, the second main type of glaucoma is the open angle Glaucoma. The intraocular pressure in the eye is rising but the trabecular meshwork is partially blocked. As the name suggest in the open angle Glaucoma the drainage angle between the cornea and iris remains open. This is the commonest type of Glaucoma as it affects about ninety percent of the population of individuals affected by Glaucoma. 

                                          As the writer puts it, “there are two solutions to every problem: accept it, or change it, if you can’t accept it then change it.” This emphasizes the facts that finding solutions to our problems is very vital. It is expedient to note that when one’s eye has been affected, he or she can control the eye disorder using prescribed eye drops, reducing the intake of high fatty foods and avoid engaging in aerobic activities which may increase pressure in the eye. Above all it is prudent to seek for medical attention from licensed ophthalmologist. Lastly, surgery and regular checkups are the key to controlling Glaucoma.

                               Current studies shows that Glaucoma is a hereditable disease and can be passed on from generations to generations, so let’s all rise and together fight the secret blinding disease, and together we build healthy sense of vision to make our bodies great and strong.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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