14. Let's Finish What We Started

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CHAPTER 14: Let's Finish What We Started

When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said: don't leave me here alone
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight.
—Safe & Sound, Taylor Swift

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

November 12th, 1983: Byers Home

DAPHNE DAVENPORT HAD BEEN IN A LOT OF STRANGE SITUATIONS in her life, but sitting in the Byers' living room, surrounded by middle schoolers rambling about electromagnetic fields — this was by far one of the strangest.

After explaining everything to Hopper and Joyce, the group had learned that Nancy's kid brother and his group of friends were in danger. They were trapped at a junk yard, surrounded by men who had evidently come from Hawkins Lab. Hopper had gone to their rescue while the rest of the group had gone back to the Byers' house.

Following their safe return, the kids had decided to impart their own knowledge on the adults and teens. Apparently, they were all a bunch of budding scientists, as it was more than clear that a lot of what they were saying was going over some of the adults' heads.

"Okay, so, in this example, we're the acrobat," the boy with a pointed face and shaggy black hair was saying. "Will, Fern and Barbara, and that monster, they're this flea. And this is the Upside Down, where Will is hiding. Mr Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip in time and space."

"A gate," the toothless, curly-haired boy chimed in.

"That we tracked to Hawkins Lab," said the dark-skinned kid with the bandana.

"Using our compasses."

Daphne glanced around at the others — Hopper, Joyce, Nancy and Jonathan. They all looked equally confused, but Daphne had somewhat of an idea. That hole in the tree she had seen the monster disappear into in the woods that day... Daphne had figured it was like a portal to another dimension, but then she had convinced herself that she was going crazy. But the hole... it had been right beside Hawkins Lab.

"This gate," she piped up, leaning back against the table. "You say it leads to the 'Upside Down'? What's that, like another dimension?"

"Like the Vale of Shadows," said the curly-haired boy — Dustin — excitedly. He had been simpering after Daphne ever since she arrived, and now he seemed delighted to have her full attention. "It's an alternate dimension that is a dark reflection or echo of this world. A place of decay and death."

"Sounds lovely. I'll add it to my bucket list," said Daphne drily. "So you're saying that Will, Fern and Barbara are all there? And the only way to reach them is through this gate at Hawkins Lab?"

"Precisely," said the boy with the bandana. "The gate has a really strong electromagnetic field which can change the direction of a compass needle. That's how we found it."

"Is this gate underground?" asked Hopper.

"Yes," said the bald girl in Nancy's old dress.

"Near a large water tank?"


"How do you know all that?" asked Dustin.

"He's seen it," responded Mike knowingly.

"Okay, that's really cool and all — but if the gate is underground and near a water tank, how did Nancy and I get to the Upside Down in the woods?" enquired Daphne, cocking her head.

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