"Another trouble maker"

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It's looking into my damn soul god dammit I don't know how people aren't spooked by whatever this is 

Mobius is looking at loki concerned as he admires the white cat with small black patterns on its back"it's a cat loki what's wrong with it?"

"Oh I don't know mobius maybe it's because IT'S LOOKS LIKE IT WANTS TO EAT ME."

The cat just sits there clueless on what's going on as it softly meows and starts walking near loki

"Mobius I swear to gods if that thing takes one more step towards me I will not be afraid to kick it!"they panick as they're squirming away from the cat

"Calm down you idiot Its a cat it won't eat you-"

Mobius is just clueless on how he can turn into a snake and almost anything else but is still scared of a small cat
He slowly approaches the cat and picks him up
"Hmmm we're keeping him"


"Well to bad-"and he starts walking towards they're car from the side of the street they found the cat on

Loki cautiously follows mobius as he watches the cat closely

"That thing isn't sleeping in our room right?"

"Well where else would we put Cleo"

"Cleo? for a creature like that? "

"yep I like the name"he says smiling softly

They sighs and start driving off to they're house that is no where near ready for a animal but slightly smiles at the thought of having a small creature to watch over and take care of

They smile softly "You are such an idiot"

"I know and you love it"

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