Chapter 2~

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Sorry for not updating I just had work to do

-Douxie "yeah yeah we believed you, do you know how long I was waiting for you to update??!

I'm so sorry douxie I didn't thought you wanted me to update

-Douxie" of course I wanted!! How was I supposed to see          y/n-Chan? "


On the other side now y/n and Jim were against belroc the fire creature.Jims sword crashed with hers and y/n was coming towards her for an open shot to her chest" what the-" she faced a pair of big eyes moving, that caught her and Jim of guard.

The enemy was given a chance to push them off "well that was close" the cat Archie that was with them gasped. Jim was pushed aside, down to the ground but managed to use his sword as a shield, to block belrocs attack.

"Go, remember the plan!" y/n screamed to Archie changing places with Claire "Got it" And now she was facing the other mage with douxie. Archie flew to the end of the train and opened the back door for Toby and AAARGHHH to enter" Thanks Archie" "mmm cat" "later AAARGHHH we gotta stop the train" " what do you mean later?"

Toby talked with the others that were in a small track,he accidentally broke the thing to stop the train.

The track was about to open their device so the mages powers could stop"they didn't even slow down! " Steve said" I know we will have to do it on the move" Stuart was now going faster in chance to reach the train


"where's the ray? Why didn't we stop?" Jim was now traumatized and tried his best to keep up "we haven't even slowed down!" Belroc threw her fire waves over them and Claire opened a shodow portal in front of the attack leading it right in front of the other mage.

The fight became more violent when Jim lost balance and fall down, it was now up to Claire to protect the boy while y/n and Douxie were trying to keep their magic alive because of the how much they used.

Y/n was throwing f/c balls of magic with her staff while Douxie was doing the same. The mage realized that one of the wizards had used too much magic in chance to defeat him, and he could attack her first.

"Y/n!!" y/n looked at Douxie and didn't realized the big ice ball coming towards her. The ice threw her away sending her flying
"y/n are you ok?" Nari came by her side "yeah fine Nari let's go"  She stand up sending her magic attacks that were stronger than before to the mage.

Stuart's track had reached the train and they opened the device. Both mages lost their power but for not too long, as the train was about to reach a dead end.

Douxie was throwing his spells towards the creature along with  y/n. The boy got hit by the creature and went flying to a sit "Douxie!" y/n run to him and used her staff as a shield not to be hit "I'm fine don't worry" you gave him a warm smile and continued.

The train now went flying out of the road, Douxie was fast to find a spell and create a road in front of the train before it hits the ground.

The crowd was streaming and now everyone in the train fall to the ground. It was going crazy until it stopped in front of a market.

"where's Nari?" Douxies words were heard rather a whisper "Douxie!" y/n came out with Nari behind her. The trains rooftop explode and reviled the wizards"Nariii" "No you can't have her"   y/n was fast to react and grab Nari pushing her aside "And who is gonna stop us?" Scrael threw sharp ice to Claire making her fly backwards.

"Nari!" now was belrocs turn to grab Nari with her magic


Heellllloooo there dear reader I made a kinda longer chapter but I'm trying to make my chapters longer... Well.. I think I need more help with that.

So did you like it? I hope you did

See ya

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