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Scarlett- 7/8 Jaxon-5/6 Jessa-3/4

Every year on the kids birthdays beck and jade gave them each a day to themselves to do whatever they wanted. That also included skipping school if their birthday fell in a week day. With three kids so close in age it was hard to give them each enough attention so their birthdays were the one day of the year where it was purely one on one time

Scarletts eighth birthday- April 4th

"Happy birthday" beck and jade smiled, pushing open the door to their eldest daughter's room early on her birthday

"It's my birthday!" She exclaimed. It was clear that she had been up for a while

"My big eight year old" jade said, wrapping her in a tight hug and kissing her forehead

"Have you decided what you want to do today?" Beck asked sitting down on the other side of Scarlett

"I dunno maybe just go shopping and a movie? Can we go see a movie?!" She asked excitedly

"Sure princess it's your day" beck smiled giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before standing up to get breakfast ready for the kids

Once breakfast was made and all the kids had shuffled tiredly down stairs to eat, jade walked over to where beck was cooking bacon at the stove

"I love when you cook" she sighed wrapping her arms around his waist from behind "can you believe our baby's eight?"

"Nope. I swear she was just born" he admitted turning around briefly to give jade a kiss but turned back around to continue cooking

While beck and jade had their moment, their other two kids were complaining about having to go to school

"It's no fair Scarlett gets to stay home today" Jaxon pouted, pushing his plate away from him and slumping down further in his chair

"Yeah no fair" jessa echoed, copying her big brother

Meanwhile Scarlett continued to eat her breakfast with a smug smile on her face. She was happy to have a day to herself, and it just made it better seeing how envious the other two were

"Eat up guys" jade said sitting down between her two younger children, pushing their plates back towards them "you can't go to school hungry"

"But I don't wanna go to school" Jaxon reminded her

"Today's scarletts day, your birthday is next month jax. Start planning what you're going to do until then"

Jaxon groaned but still picked up his fork to eat some breakfast

While beck dropped Jaxon and jessa off at first grade and preschool, jade helped Scarlett make her shopping list of everything she wanted to buy for her birthday

"And I want a new necklace, and a purse, and I wanna get a new ballet leotard, and I want skittles, and I need new shoes, and there's a new beanie boo I want and we need to go to Claire's and I want pizza for lunch and... that's it" Scarlett rattled off to jade as jade tried her best to write down everything she said

"Ok we can do that. What movie do you want to see?" Jade asked, beginning to clean up breakfast

"Frozen 2!!" She exclaimed, jumping up and skipping around the kitchen "into the unkownnnnn, into the unknownnnnnn" she sang skipping around the table in circles

Jade tried to tune her out, it wasn't that she didn't have a good voice, she really did. But it was always the same song and jade was starting to lose it

Eventually beck returned and Scarlett stopped singing and skipping to go greet beck

"Daddy!" She exclaimed running over to beck when he entered the kitchen "we're going to see frozen 2"

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