sam and max

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You sit in your room over thinking and crying
It was a normal day until you got a call from the hospital...

Your mom died in a car accident and your father left before you were born. [Sorry] you didn't live with your mom because you had to move for college.

So now you didn't have any family members because you were an only child.

"Hey max I think we should go see how y/n is doing? What do you think? I feel something is off...."

"Ehh can we go tomorrow? I'm tiredddd.."

"No max let's go"



They both go to your apartment and see if your home..
As they open the front door they noticed the door was unlocked and went to look for you.

As you kept crying you didn't hear them walk in so when they saw you they ran to you.. and asked:

"Are you okay?!" "What happened?"

You just looked at them both and was thinking of what to say

"My mom died in a car accident..."

"My God im sorry to hear that!"

"Me too"

You just cry even more and sam just looks at max then opens his arms to you
You hug him and cry so much to where your very sleepy .

Sam sees this and asks if you want them to stay over

Yes please.. I really need some comfort  right now...

Thats okay we all need to cry sometimes!


As you fall asleep max lays his head on sams lap and also sleeps.. while you and sam are still hugging he then gets the nearest blanket and puts it on you and max..


The next day:
You hear birds chirping and singing and see sam is gone..

You look around the room a little bit then remembered what happened... then you frown.

Sam walks in through the door and says:

"Turn that frown upside down!"

Max just snores loudly then tosses and turns.

Sam and you both just laugh quietly then walk out of the room.

"Would you like some breakfast kiddo?"

No thanks... I'm not hungry.

Sam just looks at you sadly..
And says
"Are you sure?. You seem hungry.."

Well.. i don't know.. I'm just so sad about yesterday...

Sam pats your back as he goes to sit at the table with his cup of coffee.

[You,sam and max are very close friends so they come over a lot]
Then as you put your head down on the counter you hear the phone ring from across the room..

Sam jolts his head to the sound and hears max run into the room
M: "I got it!, I got it!!"

Then the both race to the phone but as always sam gets the phone and answers.

"Uh huh, ....yea, mhm.., got it!!"

"Who was that?"
S: "it was the commissioner!!"

Y: "how did he know where I live.... and how did he know you guys were here?...."

"People have unexplainable reasons!! Come on little buddy! Lets go!!"

Just then you see sam fixing his tie and suit.

"How come you get to answer the phone all the time sam? Its not fair!!"

"When will you guys be back?"

M: "we don't usually know how long the missions take"

Then the both leave out the door running to there car. You then close the door and sit down on the couch to watch TV...


A/n again lol:

So um.. I'm running out of ideas!! Hellppp!

Anyway I hope you are doing well and have a great day/night!

You are loved!! And your special  i care about you!!

Ps.. I know this isn't how sam or max really act in the show or game but mehh ig its kinda my way how they would talk like ?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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sam but he's your comfort character Where stories live. Discover now