Chapter one

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Today I woke up to the cold currents of the night, my pack of friends were sleeping for the night, it was lukewarm just like every other day of summer. It was strange that the night was cold. What in the world.. I looked around to find if any of the group had noticed the strange phenomenon.

Everyone was asleep, drifting to the weak currents of the night, the only thing keeping them from drifting into the endless ocean was their tails they had wrapped around the ruff purple coral. I take a deep breath and feel the salty ocean water on my gills. I try to get comfortable but the cold water sends shivers down my spine.

I took a quick glance at the orange coral a few talons away, Kooda and his crew were dead asleep. Kooda was always popular, he was the best to be around, he's fun, and his laugh is infectious. I'd give anything to be around him more, I know that sounds creepy but if you were me you'd say the same thing.

Pasific let their tail go of the purple coral, the current was weak enough you wouldn't have a problem staying in place if you tried.

Marine told me awhile back that deep water swims will tire your eyes enough. I'm sure they were talking about the bright sea creatures that glow annoyingly once you swim two deep. As if on cue, an obnoxiously bright drag eel wandered into the sleepsite. What in the sky fish...

dragells only live in the deep water, the city is far too shallow for drag ells to survive. The ell was grey with bright orange specks, it had long sharp teeth like needles. But it was small compared to Pacific. It was just swimming there, the pressure usually kills deep sea fish. But this one is very much alive.

I swam closer. My tail scraped a stem of the coral,I hissed. My tail scales would otherwise have been torn off if it wasn't for the built in armor I was born with, but I might as well have torn off my scales because it still hurts like a jellyfish sting. I looked around to see if anyone had heard the scraping noise, dead silence. I grabbed my tail to inspect it, no cracks, the only sign my tail even hit the coral was a scrap mark a few shades lighter than my crust.

I glanced back at the ell, it was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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