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As we get home i remember i lost my key
"Shit i lost my key" i mumble and he kicks the door down
"Your paying for that" i yell and walk in
"It isnt broken" he says fixing it and i laugh he then picks me up and jumps on the couch
"Ok we need to talk about it" he says turning to me
"Talk about what" i question hugging him
"Chloe i told you something that i loved you" he says
"Oh right yeah and i said it back" i mumble
"I didnt mean it" he wispers and my whole body felt the same way when he died
"Oh ok thats fine" i smile then stand up and walk to the door
"Where are you going" he yells
"I need to process everything" i say and notice its raining but i dont really care
"Chloe im sorry" he chases after me and we are stood in the middle of a road facing eatch other
"Why did you say it then if you knew how i felt about you" i yell
"I didnt know you still felt that away" he argues
"Well i do and i think i will always feel that way kai i once promised you that i will never leave you but you have left me" i yell crying
"Chloe i dont love you ok your over reacting" he calmly says.
"Oh right no this is normal i should be used to this i should just pack up everything i am feeling you know i dont get to know what it feels like to be happy you know what kai i regret meeting you ok" i scream
"Chloe i i am so sorry ok" he walks over to me and i back away
"No no you cant just expect me to forgive you when you died i just lost it i fell to the ground and sobbed but the thing that broke me was i never got to kiss you i never go to properly tell you how i felt" i yell and then walk away to the salvatores
"Chloe we heard about kai how are you" stefan yells running over
"Kais alive now so is my little brother kai dosnt love me he just said it and i left him klaus is a dad i am an auntie and my life sucks" i smile
"Alright you go upstairs and sleep you need it and then we will talk later" caroline says then i go to bed

I wake about 4 o'clock and i walk downstairs to see two elenas
"Please say this is a dream because fun fact i dint like kathrine" i mumble and then everyone laughs
"It isnt a dream great hi kat" i smile
"Hello chlo" she smiles and hugs me
"They have told me about everything you dont deserve that" she smiles
"Well you have been threw worse some of it had something to do with me too so" i smile hugging her for long "no i have been threw worse i am the broken doppleganger" elena yells
"Really your family took your child of of you when you just gave birth or been hunted for 500 years have you killed yourself to escape someone no didnt think so. Can you shut you mouth now thankyou" i smile and kathrine laughs
"Alright i have found my daughter by the way" she smiles and i look at her in shock
"Do you want to meet your God daughter" she laughs and we run off
"Hello mother who is this" a Little girl says
"By the way she died when she was born i brought her back and i have raised her since" she explains and i look at her with shock
"Anna this is your auntie chloe chloe this is anna" she smiles and anna hugs me
"Hello anna" i smile going to her level
"Hi auntie chloe" she smiles
"Oh kath did you know klaus now has a daughter i got to name her" i smile
"Oh my god really whats her name" she looked at me shocked
"Hope andrea mikaelson klaus is going to be a great dad atlest the baby isnt a doppleganger" i laugh
"Luckily" she laughs along.
"Auntie chloe can you come play music with me" she asks and i nod them go with her
"Can you play guitar" anna smiles
"Yes i can do you want me to play a song" i ask and she nods and sits down
"🎶If i die young burry me in satan lay me down on a bed of roses sink in a river a dawn send you away with words of a love song ah oh ah oh 🎶" i sing and she claps
"That was gorgeous aunt chloe" she squeels then hugs me
"Thankyou sweetie pie" i smile and hug her back
"Anyway me and your mummy need to go out for food we will be back soon" i smile and put her tv on
"Bye aunt chloe" she waves
"Bye anna" i wave back and leave with kathrine

"She is amazing" i say walking in to mystic grill
"Alright we are eating because i had a few drinks this morning" i say and sit down then see kai on the stage
"Kat kais talking on stage" i wisper and she looks at him and smiles
"He adorable he is giving a speech lets listen in" she chuckles
"Alright hello people i need help" he says into the mic
"Whats up mate" someone yells
"Well i really like this girl and i told her that i dont like her and i don't know how to tell her how i feel now" he mumbles into the mic
"Tell us about her"
"Well her name is chloe mikaelson she is gorgeous funny smart brave nice she is everything before j met her i hated everything i hated people i hated the idea of feeling love or happiness and now i am happy and i like some people shes changed me she looks like a dream she has wavei blond hair blue eyes freckles she is very small there is like a foot difference between us she has a lovely body she loves children and films i just she is everything" he carrys on
"Alright practise on us what would you say to her" kathrine yells
"I feel stupid ok i got this Chloe i am so sorry ok i dont know what to say everytime i see you i get butterflys i have a huge smile on my face. Everything you walk into a room your smile brightens it up and to be honest if you would be mine i would love you for infinity if we could have children i would have them with you i would want to watch you walk down the isle and i would you to be mine so chloe mikaelson i love you would you date me how is that to lovey dovey" he nervously chuckles and i stand up
"Too much for you yes but i loved it" i smile and he looks embarrassed
"Did you hear all of it" he looks at me
"Yep" i say walking over to him
"I love you for infinity" i smile and go on my tiptoes and kiss him and everyone cheers
"Can we go home now" he wispers into my ear
"Of course" i wisper back and he picks me up
"Ah" i scream and he carry me out of the place
"Bye kathrine" i yell and she yells bye.
"Alright grab my hand" i demand as he puts me down.
"Uh ok cupcake" he says confused.
And i vamp speed us home

.if you read it i am shocked how can you deal with this content its like the end of infinity war ):

the unloved salvatore sisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang