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That was too close. The Soldier was tossed off the car and skidded to a stop with his metal hand.  I watch as the car then speeds toward him. I shift the Jeep into gear and take off to catch up. I see him flip over the car and grab the roof. "Show off" I can hear him smirking in the comms. I slam the car with the jeep. "That was close. Get back here now Soldier!" He jumps off the car onto the hood of the jeep. "I'll get closer, hold on!" I slam into the car again and the car starts to flip. I see the door fly off with the occupants skimming down the pavement. I slam the brakes and he jumps off the hood. "Here." I toss him a grenade launcher and we start shooting at the targets. As soon as the man with the shield stood up I caught his eyes. "What the fuck? Colors?!" 

"Y/N ignore it. Finish the mission." I try to shake off the shock and we both jump off the bridge. He lands on the car while I land next to it. "But Soldier, doesn't that mean killing my soul mate?" He looks at me with his icy blue eyes "Do it or I will kill you" All of a sudden he comes from behind the car and shouts "You wont touch her!" I didn't realize he was so close and heard what the soldier said. The soldier's arm and the shield collide making a loud boom. They knock each other backwards. As the soldier shoots at him I get this overwhelming feeling to protect him. I get behind the soldier and toss him over and as he lands his mask falls off.  As he turns around, the man with the shield looked at him with familiarity and sadness.

 "Bucky?" "Who the hell is Bucky?" As the soldier goes to shoot him, I see a man flying at him. He gets knocked down again and I run to the soldier to help him up. He looks back at the man and for a split second I see recognition in his eyes.  "Soldier we need to leave. Now." He takes one more shot at the man that said the name but I see a rocket coming our way. "Look out!" I push the soldier away and we use the explosion to make our escape. 

Steve POV

I cant believe it. After all this time, I find my soul mate only for them to be a Hydra Soldier. I can't see her whole face. It's covered like the man's was, but she had the most beautiful hazel eyes. When I saw her hesitate to shoot me, and he threaten to kill her because of it, I couldn't help the protectiveness that came over me. I thought when she threw him off me that she might come back to me but then his mask came off,  I was stunned once again. Bucky is alive. And he is with my soul mate. When Nat blew up the car, they disappeared. "Dammit."  "Steve?! What the hell was that?" The woman, we both saw colors. And the my best friend who died back in the 40s." "Steve, we need to go, c'mon." Sam pulls me toward the alley and all three of us head back to Shield. 

Winter Soldier(WS) POV

We barely made it out of there. That was not how this was suppose to go. We steal a car and drive out to the outskirts of the city. "There. We will stay there till we can get back to base." Y/N pulls into a very nice house. The occupants are obviously not home so we can at least recoup for a few hours. I check the home. No one here. Y/N picks the lock then hacks the alarm system. I forget how useful she can be sometimes. I sit down in the kitchen while she raids the fridge. "So you gonna tell me what the fuck happened back there Y/N? You hesitate because you see colors?" "You're one to talk. BUCKY." Hearing that name again stirs something in me that I haven't felt in a long time.  "I saw you flinch when he called you that name. Do you know him?" 

Y/N sits down and puts a beer in front of me. I take a swig before I answer. " I...I don't know. Maybe. He seems familiar." "Well what are we gonna due now? Do we tell command about developments?" In my peripheral vision I see a woman standing just outside the kitchen. Y/N looks at me and notices my shift in sight. As they turn around, the woman gasps "Who are you? What are you doing in Mrs. Anderson's home?" Fuck...its the help. Y/N turns back to me with a scowl on her face. " I thought you said the house was cleared?" Y/N grabs the gun on the table and without a second thought shoots the woman square between the eyes with one shot. "Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?" 

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