Chapter 11

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Deshaes POV:

When they zoomed off in the race*

I drove our car at a steady pace and whistled to myself. They ain't ever gonna catch up I thought.

"D go faster man, we're gonna lose this shit! I knew I should've drove," he shook he head in dismay and looked out the window miserably.

"Chill we ain't gonna lose this, aight? I got it covered. And I swear last time you drove us, we fucking dived into the ocean and almost died?"

"Yeah but it wasn't even that deep. We didn't even die. Just wait till they zoom past us and just know I wasn't involved on this," he said while glaring at me then kissing his teeth. "All the mafia dons think they're so big and tough like the fuck bitch? Beg you just step on the pedal and fucking win like it's not that hard. Damnn!" T was murmuring  nonsense to himself again so I tuned him and and continued our leisurely drive. Suddenly, the loud thrum of music got closer to us and I looked in the rear view mirror to see what the hell was going on.

All of a sudden King's daughter and her best friend were next to us screaming lyrics at us then cackling and speeding away in front of us.

"What did I just tell you. I knew this this shit was gonna happen, I fucking knew it,"

Quickly recovering from my state of shock I stepped on the pedal and sped as fast as I could, but by time we got there both the girls were sitting on the hood of their cars and sharing a blunt. How the fuck did they do all of that in two minutes?!

Now I was in a bad mood.

Diamonds POV:

"Took you man long enough. Anyways what's the mission again I've actually forgotten."

Sapph looked at me in confusion as well as we both scratched our necks trying to remember what we were here to do. "Girl...."

"You mean you two actually came out here without memorising the plan first? I really do wonder how you're the top in the assassin world."

"We didn't ask for a whole arse lecture we asked for answers, so if you don't have them then you didn't need to speak up." Sapph spoke nothing but facts to him and we all watched him glare at us all then stomp off to his car leaving us with Anthony.

"Was it just me or was that glare like not scary at all?" T said


"I know right" I laughed watching Deshae from a distance. "Guys let's go and finish the mission and get home already."

We walked towards our target building, without looking back to check if Deshae was following us since he wanted to be all childish about it. T briefed us on the plan on our way in and we then separated to got to our different stations for the task.

"Target spotted," Sapph muttered into our earpieces. I then watched as T moved and slightly left a back door open for Sapph to lure the target out of where Deshae and T would be waiting for them.

The target easily fell for the trap and followed Sapphire straight out of the door where his death awaited him. But he didn't need to know that.

Just as I was about to leave to follow on with the plan, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to face with one of the most handsome men I have ever seen. His jawline looked like it could, carve fucking ice and he had the most stunning hazel green eyes I had ever seen. Clearing his throat, he spoke with the sexiest voice I had heard in a while. "Hi, I just wanted to say that I saw you from across the room and think that you look absolutely beautiful tonight."

I slight smiled at the compliment and returned one. "Well you look equally as handsome tonight as well," I grinned.

"Latavious," he stuck his hand out for me to shake.

"Diamond," I replied while shaking his hand.

"I know it's a bit sudden but could I have your number? I would like to talk to you again, only if you'd want to,"he asked seeming a bit shy. I felta good vibe about him so decided to actually give it to him.

I nodded, "Give me your phone," he quickly complied and I tapped in my number and told him he could save it under whatever he liked. Still smiling, he took my hand and lightly kissed the back of it. "Good night, beautiful," he said and turned and walked away out of the event.

'Damn, that was one fine ass man' I thought to myself and speed walked over to the door. As I entered,I saw Sapph finishing up torturing the man.

"Girl what took you so long? All you were doing was checking that no one followed us in,"

"Business," I muttered and strutted over to the man who looked as if he was on the verge of death.

"You done?" I asked her.

"Nah we still have. To cut off his dick and stick it to his forehead but I left that part for you."

"You know me too well" I smirked. Getting the job done quick by ignoring his pleas of mercy and muffled screams I took out my favourite dagger and sliced the dick right off. "Who got the gorilla glue?" I questioned. T came up and handed it to me and I got work sticking it on securely. "Now that shit won't ever come off, the real definition of a dickhead,"

A bullet to his throat and we were done. I looked up and Deshae and saw that he looked mad since I came in. "Deshae, why you mad for?" I raised my brow at him. He simply brushed past me and stormed over to his car. T shrugged at us before saying goodnight and hopping in the car as well.

"That nigga play too much," Sapph kissed her teeth and got into our car. Humming in agreement, I got in and started our drive home. I was too tired to deal with more of his shit today.

Arriving at home, I said goodnight to Sapph and made my way to my room. Opening the door to darkness, I flipped on the light switch and was suddenly pushed up against the wall by my throat. Before they could blink I had a knife to their abdomen. "Who the fuck are you?" I whisper yelled only to realise that it was only Deshae.

"Don't to that shit again." His voice reverberated in my ear. Stunned into silence by the audacity of this man, he took my silence as a yes then stalked out of my room. Still in shock, I mindlessly did my nighttime routine, then collapsed into bed with one question on my mind.

What the hell was he on about?

Sorry for the inconsistent updates but I hope you liked this one x

Diamond in the Mafia जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें