Hello Neighbour

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Bluey POV

We were finally back home and I miss Jean Luc terribly. I was planning on calling but the service is terrible. I can't text him either. I slept last night without eating. I was too sad to eat.

The next day

I woke up to see Bingo, Muffin and Sox still asleep (A/N Muffin and Sox are having a slumber party with Bluey and Bingo hence the fact their asleep in Bluey's house) They tend to sleep early but wake up late. It never made sense.

I went to the kitchen to see Dad cooking breakfast. He saw me looking me over his shoulder.

👨‍👧‍👧 Morning squirt, your sister and cousins up yet?
💙 No not up yet
👨‍👧‍👧 I know you're still sad about 'Jean Luc' so I made your favorite, croissants stuffed with apples,boiled eggs wrapped with bacon, fruit salad and some toast and some delicious asparagus. (Remember the episode 'Asparagus'?)
💙 Thanks Dad, it looks delicious
Dad passed me a plate and kissed my forehead. I prayed for my food and as I about to eat the croissant I heard the doorbell ring.

Third person POV

Bluey groans and slowly goes over to the door. The doorbell rings again "I'm coming, I'm coming'' as she opened the door she got the shock of her life.

🇫🇷 Hello, I'm your new neighbour and we... BLUEY!?

And that moment, Bluey fainted.

And that's a wrap. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't worry, Bluey is not in any critical stages (or is she? Not yet at least)
Anyways sorry I haven't been updating as much as I used to. I've got a lot on my plate.

Warning ⚠️: if you're new go straight to CJANDSANE4LIFE129 immediately and read the story from the beginning

That's all for now

CJ out

Our camping story continues (A Bluey and Jean Luc fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now