chapter 11: the legend of Princess Angel

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(note this might be short!)

~where we last left off our heros Macy, Blossom, Star, Cindy, and Midnight were looking for anything involving Queen and King Angel! but soon they will find something that will change everything....~

Macy(me): anyone find anything?

everyone-Macy(me): no

Macy(me): *sees the multi hybrid legends book* maybe this will have something *opens the book to see a strange symbol* huh that's new...

Star: did you find something sis?

Macy(me): I found this strange symbol...

Star: *looks* hmm weird it kinda looks like a wolf....

Macy(me): yeah it does kinda... *turns to the next page and sees something about Angels* hey look!

Star: "The legend of The Royal Angel family" read it sis! maybe it can help!

Macy(me): okay! "the Royal Angel family are a family of angels who rule the spirit realm as Kings and Queens they had five daughters of pure Royal Angel blood" 

Macy(me): "the oldest went to collage the second oldest is missing and the middle passed on because of their Uncle, Jack Campbell their older twin daughter passed 3 hours after birth the younger twin is alive but is missing their last known place was near a mountain in their village"

Macy(me): "their names are unknown but 5 names Queen Angel loved were Jade, Tina, Alice, Moon, and Mackenzie people think she picked those names but nobody knows if Queen Angel had other children other than the girls but King Angel had a previous wife and they had 2 Daughters named Ava and Amy who were both murdered by Jack Campbell"

Macy(me): "but legends say once when the younger twin was born Yin and Yang vowed to protect her and be a part of her but in a different form all children known to be related to King and Queen Angel there were 5 girls from the King and Queen Angel marriage"

~then Macy's angel pendent started to glow and there were her other forms in their animal forms~

Macy(me): "legends also say the youngest child was born with pure multi hybrid angel blood thus making her the heir to the throne of the spirit realm however if the child has been though so much her DNA will prevent her from unlocking her true powers"

Star: uh sis..?

Macy(me): "however if the child sees someone she cares very deeply about is in trouble or in danger she will learn to control her fears and doubts and will unlock her powers true potential and learn her true origins, past, future, and past lives"

Midnight: Macy..?

Macy(me): "known traits the child has is two different eye colors, brown hair, a angel pendent that was given to her by her Mother, "

Cindy: Macy!

Macy(me): what? what is it?

Star: your pendent...

Macy(me): *looks* !! again?

Star: *hears something* wait listen!

Everyone-Star: *listens and a music box was playing a soft tune*

(I thought this would be a perfect fit! and once again I do not own this song nor the video! plus I couldn't find a music box cover so I used this)

Macy(me): it's coming from my pendent...?

Star: its familiar...

Macy(me): is...

Bloss: Macy...are you okay?

Macy(me): yeah I'm fine Bloss just trying to take all of this in that's all.

Bloss: okay Macy

Star: lets bookmark this just in case

Macy(me): good idea

Bloss: hey Macy do you have a family photo we could see??

Macy(me): not on me but I'll make sure I'll let you all see!

Bloss: thanks!

Macy(me): NP! ^^

Cindy: Macy....maybe you should go back to your village reconnect to old friends there?

Macy(me): my uncle or whoever that was back then never let me leave the house, let me eat, or do anything.....

Cindy: *sighs* Macy you know your not alone in this

Macy(me): yeah I know

~as time passed our heros kept looking high and low for more information on the Royal Angel Family~

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