Chapter 19

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Dad: Katya, it's time to go
Katya: but I don't want to, dad
Dad: mom gonna be sad if you don't come to her funeral
Katya: she's dead, dad!
Dad: Katya Zamolodchikova! watch your mouth!
Katya: I'm sorry dad but I don't want mom to go
Dad: I know, baby

I hold back my tears as my dad hugs me. I dressed up and we went to my mom's funeral after the funeral, I saw a guy and a little girl come.

??: I'm sorry for your loss, max
Dad: thank you, gorge
Gorge: Trixie come here!
Dad: is this little Beatrice?
Gorge: yeah, she doesn't like when we called her Beatrice... Trixie say hey to uncle maxim
Trixie: hi!
Dad: hi Trixie... and this Katya she older than you just think of her your older sister
Gorge: she really looks like pat... max, my wife won't be home so maybe can Trixie and I stay at your house? 
Dad: sure, you can sleep in the guest bedroom and Trixie can sleep in Katya's room... I'm sure she doesn't mind
Katya: dad! no!
Dad: Katya, be nice! 

they put Trixie's bag in my room. I lay on my bed while Trixie play with her barbie. she got a lot of barbies

Trixie: Katya, play with me!
 Katya: no, I don't play barbie
Trixie: come on, Katya
Katya: NO! don't you know my mom just die I don't wanna play barbie with you! stupid girl!

I saw her eyes filled with tears. shit! she gonna cry...

Katya: no... I'm sorry please don't cry

she look away from me and keep playing with her toys. thank god she not crying. the room went dead silent and my emotion comes I miss my mom I cry silently so my dad or Trixie can't hear me.

Trixie: Katya, why are you crying?
Katya: nothing, go away...!

I thought Trixie gonna go but she hug me instate. 

Trixie: my mom says if someone is sad we have to hug them. because when Trixie's sad, mom hugs me and I feel better

her hug becomes tighter then I hug her back. she right! it felt good to cry in someone's hugs.

Katya: thank you, trixie... trixie?

I hear soft snoring. she sleeps... she warms my heart what she did to me? I put her on my bed. I don't know really who she is but she makes me happy. The next day I felt someone shaking me

Katya: okay... I'm up
Trixie: come on... I made breakfast
Katya: you? you like 5 or something you can't do that
Trixie: just let's go, Katya

she pulls my wrist we run downstairs and found Trixie's dad cooking. Trixie bring me my breakfast 

Trixie: daddy, can I play with Katya after breakfast?
Trixie's dad: sure, baby but you have to pack all your stuff because we need to go home...
Trixie: awee... is Katya coming?
Trixie's dad: no, baby... she can't
Katya: I can visit sometimes Trixie... don't be sad

after we had our breakfast. me and Trixie play with her dolls. why I'm so happy when I'm near her?

Trixie: Katya, you have to brush her hair like this
Katya: fine, hey trixie!
Trixie: huh?
Katya: thank you for making me happy... i promise I'll make you happy someday
Trixie: what do you mean, Katya? you make me happy all the time

I just smile at her. it's time for to Trixie leave. she runs and hugs me

Trixie: promise me you will visit
Katya: I promise we gonna meet again
Trixie: here take this and this

she gives me a barbie doll. her favorite barbie doll

Katya: but you love this doll
Trixie: it's okay, you gonna give me back someday
Katya: okay, thank you, Trixie

they say goodbye and leave. that was the last time I saw Trixie but I never forgot my promise to meet her someday and make her the happiest girl in the world.


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