Broken down

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Inside a lab, a luxray hauled a broken metal body across the floor.

"If only I hadn't sent the mark 2 out, I would have had someone to help me now!" Trace complained to himself.

"How did I not notice that these armours were so heavy?!" Trace moaned.

Reaching a pile of other booster armour wrecks, Trace heaved, before throwing the armour he was dragging into the pile. A bunch of robotic arms began salvaging the pile and taking parts off the various armours.

"One down...10 more to go." Trace sighed.

A jolteon then entered the lab.

"Hey Trace!" Speed called out. "Oh, Speedy! Thank goodness you're here!" Trace exclaimed, finally having someone to help him. "You look like you could use a hand." Speed said.

"You think!?" Trace exclaimed.

Speed then started to help trace. after tossing all the wrecks and sorting out the mostly intact ones, Trace went and sat down to take a break.

"Man, those armours are so heavy!" Trace said.

Speed walked up to the thunder medal.

"So, you called me here for something, or is that all you need me for?" Speed asked.

"Oh, i need to copy your consciousness to the thunder medal again, since Turbo got his data wiped." Trace replied. "Alright, let's do it." Speed said.

Speed sat in a chair, and Trace put a brain scanner over his head. Speed closed his eyes and Trace started the copying process.

"Consciousness is now in the thunder medal's removing memories." Trace said.

"Wait, removing memories? Speed said confused. "I thought standard procedure was to copy my memories as well?"

"That was standard procedure, but i realised something when i activated turbo. He still thought that he could retire and head home. His mentality was that the mission i sent him on would be his last. During the mission, turbo still thought he was you. We're actually very lucky he didn't try to replace you, like most clone movies depict the main character's clone doing. Even still, I felt pity for turbo. Once he and you were literally the same, however him being copied robbed him of the life you lived. He never even got to see sunshine...that's why I don't want to copy your memories. It's just not right for me. It feels cruel and barbaric, as we basically rob them of their normal life." Trace said.

Speed was silent for a moment.

"I see. I guess it's fair, it kinda explains why turbo was willing to sacrifice himself." Speed said.

"Yeah..." Trace said.

"Memory removal complete." the computer said robotically.

"And done. Henceforth, I shall now name this copy Thunder." Trace said.

"Well, at least its suffering is lessened now." Speed said. "Oh, Trace?" "Yeah?" Trace answered. "Now that the t-cores have stopped working, what are you going to do?" Speed asked. "I'll most likely work on a smaller power source that has enough power to rival or surpass the t-core. I heard cyclops industries have managed to do that, and I may collaborate with them. Booster armours have way too much potential to let go." Trace said. "Speaking of which, where's fusion aurora?"

"I've decided to keep it, in case you manage to get it working again. I'll either display it in my room as a statue or just keep it in the warehouse." Speed shrugged.

"Sounds good, i'll call you if i manage to get a smaller power source up and running." Trace said.

"Alright, i better spend time with Silvia. See you later." Speed said.

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