Chapter 1- Meeting Saten Ruiko

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I was in a park. Taking a break from my judgement duties, i swear those bossy girls are the worst. They are making poor guys like me work to death! Death i tell you.

Well that doesn't matter right now.

I looked around and saw many smiling faces, some teenage girls eating and joking around. Kids playing and all i did was just sit in the shadows as the sun raged. 

This is life. 

As i thought about that i saw Kuroko-chan and Uiharu-chan, eating with there friends. Must be nice.

I continued to enjoy here until i hear it.


A huge explosion was heard, turned around to see people with sky mask on there faces coming out of it. I took my judgement badge and wore it on my right sleeve. As i was about to engage the man, Kuroko-chan was already there.

With here being a level 4 teleporter she won't have much trouble. So i decided to help citizen move out of the way.

I helped the elderly, other adults and children to get out of the danger zone. As i looked around for more people i saw a girl that was with Kuroko-chan and Uiharu-chan earlier, struggling with some dude who wanted to take a kid.

I ran towards them, as i got closer i jumped and planned on kicking the guy. But he saw me and ducked, non less with my other leg i kicked him away.

Gojo: "Yo you two! Are you ok?"

???: "Yeah, thanks."

As i observed them for any injures i saw one esper shot a fire ball towards us.

I didn't want others to know about me, but that doesn't mean i will sacrifice there lives.

Gojo: "Hold the kid tightly!"

???: "Wha-?!"

I quickly lifted her up her feet and held her in my arms and with that i jumped out of the way. A huge explosion was seen and could be heard again.

Gojo: "You guys ok?"

Kid: "Yeah... Thanks mister."

???: "That was close..."

After that i saw that Kuroko-chan took the fire guy down. Seeing that he was taken care of i immediately look for the guy who punched this girl and saw him trying to get away in the car. I was about to get in his way, but then i recognized the young girl on the road that stood in front of him

Gojo: "Isn't that Mikoto Misaka?"

???: "Yeah she is."

I turned around to see the girl standing.

Gojo: "Sorry i never got your name."

Saten: "Saten Ruiko, pleasure. Yours?"

Gojo: "Gojo Satoru, just the strongest esper in the world."

Saten: "HUH!?"

Gojo: "Anyway so that's Railgun, huh? Ranked #3 out of 7 level 5's? I am not impressed."

In the next moment she threw the coin upwards, i was confused in beginning but then i saw it. She was charging huge amount of electric energy and the moment she touched the coin it flew at incredible speeds.

So this is why they call her railgun?

Nice speed and power. Her precision too was nice.

Saten: "Wow."

Gojo: "She took him down pretty quick."

Saten: "Yeah."

Gojo: "Anyway let's get this kid to his parents."

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