Teaching tommy to kiss

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tw  puke !! self degrading !!

we paddled ourselves in from the lake smiling and shivering. jack had a melon sized smile on his face " so uh, you guys were doing romance over there huh?" h tommy and him laughed " shut up bald clown " they laughed harder. 

we arrived back home and sprinted towards the shower , i won, after i showered i put on a longer set of pyjamas and went to tommy's room. as i sat down tommy's mother called " kids dinner !" we smiled at each other and headed downstairs. i sat at the table and was looking at the food, kinda just staring at it. "hello ? y/n" tommy's mother was saying "oh , yea ? " i asked "i said aren't you going to eat something " she smiled and i felt everybody's eyes on me " umm yeah sorry " i put some food on my plate and was cutting it when i felt sick suddenly. i felt the puke coming up my throat and ran to the bathroom "y / n ?! " i heard tommy call after me and his footsteps on the carpeted floor. my knees slammed onto the tiles of the cold bathroom floor and vomit came up my throat, fish,  i thought grimly. i could taste it when i ate it that the fish was off but it didn't stop me. i get tommy holding my hair and patting my back. although i used to get seasick a lot, maybe it's like delayed seasickness ? i heard tommy's voice beside me "you'll be ok y/n. it's ok" i understood he was trying to be calming, i spat finally getting the last of it out, i wiped my eyes, puking makes you cry i guess " why do people always say that" i walked over to the sink and started brushing my teeth " i dont think i'm about to die so why the hell are you telling me that i'm not going to ? no offense to you tommy  like other people doing that." my voice was garbled from the toothpaste tommy flushed the toilet " i don't know to be nice i guess" i rinsed my mouth and came back to the table " are you ok y/ n?" tommy's mother asked " yes i'm fine " i responded " what happened ? " tommy's dad asked " bad seafood " i said " sorry  this food looks lovely really but i've lost my appetite " i said excusing myself.

i headed up to tommy's bedroom and later on his bed. staring at the ceiling thinking about him. his face : his eyes an ocean blue watching the waves of emotion flow through them, his smile : a badly sized blanket, it didn't fit his face but it was cosy and warm , his cheeks : climbing ever so high towards wherever they would see fit. the most perfect person ever had you seen and i was laying in his bed. i felt my guts still churning so i slowed my thoughts down and it settled, love wasn't good for my guts i guess. i heard tommy shuffling up the stairs. he walked into the room with a big cooking bowl and a bottle of water " you've stolen my bed ! " he smiled he came and layer next to me.  

" hey y/n, when you're not sick. can you teach me how to kiss ? "

" what ?" i was turning bright red " well you don't have to but there's this girl i like and..." i left there's this girl i like he likes a girl, another girl. he doesn't like you he doesn't like you he doesn't like you he doesn't like you. stupid stupid stupid you got your hopes up didn't you idiot dumb dumb dumb " and i really hope i haven't upset you " he finished " no of course not, i'll teach you how to kiss sure." tommy got up and turned on the light, he put on some music " ok so i know the basics of like a kiss right ? you just like- " he made a kissy sound and a fish face " no that's for like kissing your mother or something, kissing someone you like is more- i don't know- passionate i guess ? " tommy laughed " ok so kiss me. show me how it's done" i laughed and blushed, but tommy couldn't see because of the light- i hoped. i leaned in...

{ tommy pov she a special one}

holy crap. y/n was about to kiss me. i can't believe that she's actually going to. i mean it wasn't a lie because i do t know how to kiss, but really i just wanted to kiss her, she leaned in and put her hands on my cheeks, her face got close enough to mine that i could feel her breath, my face went hot as fire. her lips hit mine and we were kissing, my hands fell to her hips. this was like in built code, kissing y/n felt amazing, it was a dessert you had never tasted and the longer you had it the better it was. she sunk her hips onto my legs and i slipped my tongue into her mouth. they danced and then she pulled hers out. suddenly my lips were cold " you know how to do this" she whispered " i don't know, let me try this time" i whispered back. i wrapped my hand around her back and flipped her so her back was on the bed....

{ y/n pov }

tommy's arm was behind me and he flipped me onto my back he tried to kiss me and did surprisingly well, but he was stressed and i could feel it in the way he held himself. he relaxed and loosened up as he got the hang of it. we were making out until we had no breath in our lungs. our lips unlocked. we were just looking at each other for a moment before he said " can i practise one more thing ? " i looked at home wondering what it was " sure i guess ?? " tommy moved closer and i thought he was going to kiss me again but he moved to my neck " you are not seriously giving me a hickey-" i shut up to catch my breath for a second when his mouth hit my neck, it was hot and startled me. 

" that is so fourth grade "


1122 words 

do not even consider judging me for this, we are strangers on the internet 

ily have a good day / night though 

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