2 (Changbin)

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Changbin's rapping above, and of course not mine

Changbin biked his way the spot he was supposed to meet up with the his friend to head to the audition. He spotted his brown haired friend, next to a coffee shop. "You finally left your hair alone." Changbin greeted his friend, Bang Chan, with their usual joke  "Bin, it's been awhile!" They fist bumped, then walked the next few blocks chatting about nothing important. Suddenly Chan's phone rang. "Ello?" he answered putting the phone on speaker  "Chan-hyung, I might be a little running late. I woke up late again." said a voice on the other line. "Ah, that's usual you. I'll try and see what I can do." Changbin chuckled at Chan's reply. "Thanks Chan-hyung!" the call ended, just as they were at their destination. It was a small brick building, with heavy iron doors. Changbin and Chan walked in and walked down a set of stairs to be greeted by a guard. "What's your business here?" the guard asked "The audition." Changbin monotoned The guard nodded and opened the door behind him. Immediately, loud music blared from the small opening. The two friends entered, and went to a booth to relax until the rest of their friends joined them. About thirty minutes later Changbin smelled something peculiar. "Do you smell that?" he asked Chan. "What smell?" "Some kind of honey vanilla candle..." Chan just stared at him, "No. I do smell strawberries." Changbin shrugged then put his head down.

What do you think Changbin and Chan were smelling? 

Tell me in the comments!

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